Yashica's Intuition

New Moon in Taurus Astrology Predictions

yashica crumpton

Want to learn astrology predictions on the New moon in taurus? In this IG replay I discuss New moon in taurus astrology predictions that you can use connect with the powerful opportunities available to you. I'm dropping real facts based on intellect + intuition related to New moon in taurus astrology predictions. Implement these tips on how to change your life and you can start creating long lasting changes now! Click below to watch.

Get My Free Manifesting with the Moon Guide via this link 👉🏾👉🏾👉🏾👉🏾 https://yashica-crumpton.mykajabi.com/manifestwithmoon

Tips on how to change your life | create long lasting changes

yashica crumpton

Want to learn tips on how to change your life | create long lasting changes? In this IG replay I discuss tips on some things that you can start doing now in order to create long lasting changes. I'm dropping real facts based on intellect + intuition and not trying to sell you a pipe dream. Implement these tips on how to change your life and you can start creating long lasting changes now!

Do you need more help creating lasting changes and feel stuck whenever you try to do it on your own? I have free consults available to work with me privately and you can book your free appointment here: https://www.yashicasintuition.com/coachingintake

How to use your intuition and make it stronger

yashica crumpton
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You’re sitting in your car in the most annoying traffic jam ever. It’s bumper to bumper and it’s not moving at all! You start fumbling around with your music controls to try to find something that will make the commute less painful. Finally, you find a song that you know you have heard before and you have fallen in love with it again. It’s catchy, it’s upbeat, it’s your jam. But, there’s a problem, you can’t remember the name of it and the info is not coming up on your screen. You really want to know the name of the song so that you can add it to your playlist so it’s going to bug you to not know the name of it. The whole way home, all you can think about is trying to remember the name of the song to no avail.

Fast forward to later. You are home cooking some dinner and have finally been able to stop trying to figure out the name of the song. As you are stirring your spaghetti sauce in an almost meditative state, something suddenly hits you. The name of the song. A little voice pops up in your head and it gently but assertively tells you what the name of the song was.

We’ve all been there right?

What is the definition of intuition?

Your intuition works kind of the same way as the example I just provided you related to the song. It can be a subtle voice, or even a feeling, that pops up to give you important and helpful information that normally may not be able to be explained with logic or analytical reasoning.

Is intuition scientifically proven?

I spoke a lot about the science of intuition in this masterclass, but as I mentioned before, intuition sometimes defies logic and reasoning. There have been extensive and reputable studies that have proven that there is information outside of our conscious awareness that we have access to that has been proven to help us make better and faster decisions and do so confidently and with accuracy and precision. But…

Is intuition always right?

As I will discuss later in this article, because you may have an unhealthy connection with your intuition, you may not be in a place where you can rely on your intuition because you may mistake it for other things. This is why I will never be a proponent of “just listening to your intuition” like you here these other gurus tell you to do. It is irresponsible and assumes that you have a healthy connection to what your intuition really is before doing inner work. I always teach a mix of left and right brained techniques that will slowly shift you into trusting yourself more accurately in the long run, but integrating foundational knowledge until that occurs.

What’s an example of intuition?

There are many ways that your intuition may try to speak to you. Perhaps you may have had a feeling that something wasn’t quite right but you couldn’t put your finger on it. It could be related to a circumstance that you’ve been in or a person you meant that made you feel uneasy.

One way that I’ve felt my intuition is a sudden moment of clarity via an idea out of the blue. I’ve had this come up when good or bad things were about to happen but what I do know is the information that popped up would not go away until I made a decision that didn’t make sense at the time but once I made it, it was for my highest and best good.

Oftentimes in life, especially when things are leaving you stuck or blocking your progress, you can feel lost. You’ll try to grasp at anything… any piece of hope or information that you can find to get you unstuck. The problem is, you only end up feeling more confused and out of touch with yourself.

How do you know it’s your intuition?

This is one of the most popular questions I get about intuition and I even created a class all about intuition because so many people that come to me for help have no clue how to tap into their intuition, how to trust their intuition, and how to understand when it was their intuition speaking to them vs fear or intuition vs anxiety and more.

I often find that most people mistake their intuition for fear, anxiety, instinct, impulses, compulsions, and other things that result from the traumatic things that we go through in our life. Without doing deep work in this area it can be confusing to know the difference and one reason why you may feel this way is due to the fact that you may be disconnected from your own inner wisdom and guidance leaving you to feel alone and trapped in situations that can bring you down. 

If this has gone on for a long time, you may not even realize that you even have an inner guidance system that can help you. Maybe you have never been taught about it, maybe you heard about it but fail to recognize how it works in YOUR life.

My best tip to help you with this is to check yourself. Are you in danger? If you aren’t and you feel fear or anxiety, chances are you probably aren’t tapping into your intuition. Your intuition doesn’t want you to feel fear and anxiety, it also doesn’t want you to be stuck in a bad situation. If your intuition (or what you think it is) is asking you to do things that improve you as a person or improve your behavior or a circumstance then even if you have to make brave decisions that make you nervous, then it is probably your intuition.

How do I sharpen my intuition?

Whenever you need to, you have an inner voice that mimics the example I have given you about the song and is a clue to what it may feel like when your inner guidance is trying to help you on your path. The example that I shared with you about the song is important to you if you have ever felt out of touch with yourself because it serves as a clue to tell you how this voice really sounds in your life. It may have evaded you in the past. You may have never paid attention to it. Or maybe your fears, anxieties, or your ego and thoughts may have blocked it’s true nature.

A simple reminder for you is that this inner voice you seek, it’s not something you have to force, like trying to remember that song. It is a voice that is assured and matter of fact. It comes through when you are least likely to expect it but what it has to say is quiet and has the exact information that you need or may have been looking for.

You can sharpen your intuition quickly by actually acting on most of the things that this feeling or voice tells you to do, within reason. For instance, begin with asking yourself easy things and when the guidance pops up, don’t question it, act on it. The more that you seek guidance on all things big and small and ACT ON IT, the sharper your intuition will become.

Can intuition be trained?

One exercise to help you train your intuition that I use with a lot of my clients is to imagine that whatever feeling or voice you think is your intuition… pretend like that voice is coming from your guardian angel or your most trusted mentor. Does it make sense then? When you do this, kinda like I spoke about in this article, you will start to recognize that the voice that is your intuition and makes sense when you try this exercise FEELS different vs the times when you think it’s your intuition and it’s not.

When you are trying to tune into your inner guidance… your intuition, I want you to remember how it sounds when you finally remembered the name of that song. That is how your inner guidance may sound to you. Over time, when you honor this voice, that may at first seem quiet, it will become louder. The more you trust and obey it the more it will be there to help you. It will tell you the best outcome for ALL involved so there is no need to fear it. 

You listen to it, trust it, act on it, and then a funny thing happens. You find that on the day-to-day it will get louder, and you will notice it more and more. It becomes effortless to be connected to yourself no matter what is going on in your life. You don’t have to feel lost ever again.

You deserve a life connected to your true self and have something that you can count on to always lead you towards your heart’s purpose. If that connection is currently missing in your life, I hope that this metaphor helps you begin to tap into your inner guidance. Trust what I say and give it a try and prepare to be pleasantly surprised.

If you find that you struggle with tapping into your intuition and would like to learn everything you will ever need to know about your intuition then here’s a link to a class that will help you. It’s jam packed with knowledge and tips you can go through at your own pace. It even comes with my Amazon ebook all about intuition → Develop your Intuition Masterclass

If you find that you have a vision of who you want to be vs where you are now and you struggle with getting there and desire guidance and support then I am currently taking private clients. To learn more about working with me and book your free consultation here → https://www.yashicasintuition.com/coachingintake


Yashica is the CEO and Founder of Yashica’s Intuition where she works with driven individuals that want to combine spirituality and practical self-help principles to help unlock self-mastery and success in life. Learn more at www.yashicasintuition.com

The ultimate masterclass to help you find your life's purpose

yashica crumpton

I'm back from vacation and feeling renewed and felt like dusting off this amazing class to help you get aligned and renewed if you need a little help feeling inspired.

If you are anything like me, life can feel real heavy and the days can feel long when there is a lack of a sense of purpose. It's important for me to know who I am and what I want in relation to what truly matters in my life so that I am living a life of more meaning.

Chances are, if you are reading this, then you value finding a sense of meaning in your life too. You want to know who you are, what your strengths are, and ultimately how you can use your purpose to leave behind a legacy because you know why you are here and what you want to do with the time you have here on earth.

Most of my clients struggle with this and I did at one point as well until I learned the things that I will be sharing with you in this video. It was originally published in my FB group but it's so good that it deserves to be resurrected because it has lots of gems that will get you back on track and it even has a free PDF life purpose download that will help you take the tips I give you and connect to your purpose. The link will be in the description box. Here is the link to view the video https://youtu.be/Qq2AiHiZWE0

If you know someone that needs to hear this, please share it with me and reply to this email if you have any comments or questions or leave them on Youtube.

Lastly, if you feel like you are at a turning point in your life where you may feel stuck or unfulfilled and feel like you would like to work with me so that I can help you discover your purpose and support you in living a happier and more fulfilling life then.... I do have slots open for private coaching. You can book your free consultation here Book a free Consultation to Work with me privately- https://www.yashicasintuition.com/coachingintake

How to Start Shadow Work | Shadow work for Beginners

yashica crumpton
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Want a how to start shadow work tutorial that is packed with information? If you want to learn shadow work for beginners and need an amazing how to start shadow work tutorial to help you do it, this video will show you my shadow work for beginners tips that I use to teach my clients how to start shadow work. You’ll know how to start shadow work and all the best tips for shadow work for beginners so you can learn more about yourself so that it's easier to avoid pain and change your life.

Listen below

If you’re looking for tips on how to start shadow work and just need a shadow work for beginners tutorial to help you start shadow work, this video will show you everything you need to know about shadow work for beginners. Next time you’re ready to learn how to start shadow work this video will give you the step by step top shadow work for beginners tips via my tutorial to help you get started, and you’ll be set up with the best shadow work for beginners techniques so you can know how to start shadow work. Watch the video and to get a how to start shadow work tutorial that sets you up to learn shadow work tips and avoid wasting your time and getting all confused. Want my help taking action?

Grab my FREE 5 part video series on more of my top tips on how you can develop more spirituality and use my other tips to start shadow work for beginners to the pain and negative patterns you may be experiencing by clicking here: https://yashica-crumpton.mykajabi.com/class


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Yashica’s Intuition is a business that teaches women that want to live consciously – with more purpose and intention—how to live more abundant, satisfying, meaningful, and purposefilled lives. Here you will learn the information that you need in order for you to create a vision for your life and to make it come true, unapologetically! https://www.yashicasintuition.com

How to Start Shadow Work | Shadow work for Beginners https://youtu.be/lJ10qTDKKHE

// E-MAIL YASHICA [email protected]

How to set goals personal goal setting workshop

yashica crumpton

Get access to MY PROVEN GOAL SETTING METHOD that actually produces results to create lasting, positive, and meaningful changes in your life.

Do you struggle with setting goals that you can actually commit to?

Do you need help improving your goal setting skills?

Have you always wanted to be more goal oriented but struggle with how to actually set goals?

Listen up because this workshop is for you. On April 17, I will be leading the ladies in my Personal Mastery Membership thru a workshop to help them learn the system that I use with my private clients and in my own life in order to help them set goals that they can finally achieve but goal setting is so important, that I want to invite you to join us. Most of us know how important goal setting is, but if you aren't getting the results that you want, it may be because you don't know how to set goals properly or you just flat out don't set them.

Life goals help you work towards things that are important to you and help you focus your time and energy on really matters.

If you are ready to learn my goal setting method that is guaranteed to help motivate you to accomplish the things that matter?

Well listen up

This goal setting workshop will walk you through a step by step method to help you set goals. I will teach you:

✔️  How to come up with goals that matter to you

✔️  How to set goals the right way- the system my clients and I have used to improve our relationships, have more money, increase our energy and health, and more.

✔️  How to manage your goals so you understand how to stay on track when the demands of life get in the way

✔️. Strategies to help you when your motivation and willpower run out

✔️. A scientifically proven way for you to stay on track, stay accountable, and stop giving up on yourself and the things you want to achieve 

If this sounds like something you would be interested in, Check out my upcoming class and reserve your spot. Seats are limited because I want to be able to provide you with hands on support specific to you and your goals.

Follow this link

How this full moon march 2021 will impact you- The Article

yashica crumpton
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This is an interesting full moon where we continue the trends that I have noticed since last year regarding love and money. I see lots of promise and opportunity again so for sure I will get into all of that, but first, I want to tell you about some challenges you need to overcome if you want to make sure to be able to tap into some of the luck that is on offer to you with this Full Moon that we just had March 28, 2021 at 11:28am PST.

The first challenge I see is between your passion or your desire and your mind. What I see here is that your passion and your creative energy is not as focused as it normally could be and the consequence of this can be acting before you fully understand what is going on or to act impulsively or out of anger.

If life feels a little boring or stale, in its worst expression, it can have you doing things to bring excitement into your life and with the aspect that I see here, I am not sure that it will be a good thing if you don’t do this consciously. Especially since right now your mind is so open to a variety of information sources that it can feel hard to cut through all the noise to see or feel what’s real and what isn’t.

Instead of popping off or getting your feelings hurt if someone pops off at you, because I do see the possibility of hurtful things being said or being emotionally triggered by words. The key is to take a step back and try to approach things with patience and understanding. Your thoughts aren’t securely rooted right now and neither are your underlying passions or drive so you could find yourself getting spun up about things that seem worth it in the short term but have consequences in the longer term.

Saturn and Uranus are still in a tense angle for most of the year, but again the key is to actually relax, take a step back, and ask yourself if you are moving in a direction or behaving in a way that’s for your highest and best good. No one or no thing needs to cede to you, if what you are doing isn’t working, then where do you need to take a step back and adjust your plans.

This is all about not getting stuck in a rut or a fixed way of doing life and realizing that there are alternate possibilities that exist but it means that you do need to approach then in a methodical way. The plan and the work is still important but it may need to be viewed with a different lens if you feel stuck.

For those of you that follow these discussions because you desire to live consciously, you may want to go deep with this full moon and ask yourself how you let all these thoughts and emotions you are having and maybe shiny object syndrome cause you to lose focus and power in life and actually end up overthinking yourself out of big steps in life and therefore staying stuck.

For you, if the opportunities are starting to open up, why aren’t you taking them?

Cause of self sabotage? Cause of fear of failure? Cause you are scared of what others think? Cause maybe you don’t think you are good enough or smart enough? Like you will never catch on or be able to do something?

This is your chance to evaluate how you are perhaps missing a big blessing because you are letting the mind run the show instead of your heart. This is a chance to reflect on where this crops up in your life and fix it or else it will block you from the opportunities I want to discuss with you right now.

Before I move on, if you keep feeling like you are trying your hardest and still not getting anywhere, you may want to consider getting my free guide on self discipline. It contains my top tips on how you can incorporate more self discipline so that you can learn how to stay on track and stay focused. Message me and I’ll send you the link to download the self discipline pdf guide or you can go to yashicasintuition.com/links to grab your copy.

Now for the good stuff! The opportunities that will almost seem lucky.

If it has seemed hard for you to take success oriented action in life, this can make it seem easier. If you struggle with keeping your word to yourself or follow through this can feel like it kind of fades away. Especially if you are working on something that you feel passionate about.

If you have a good partner in your life, expect your relationship to benefit positively from the passion and dedication and attraction that results from this transit. If you aren’t and you can overcome the tendency to be fickle and make bad decisions in relationships based on your clouded emotions, this is a chance for you to approach love differently and open your eyes to the possibility that you want something more stable, more solid, and more dependable. You may get down on yourself for the bad choices you may have made in the past but I would say treat those as a learning experience of what not to do going forward.

If you know there is something or someone that you want… and you know that it would be something that you would be passionate about long term, go for it! Be assertive. It could work out well for you during this transit. Not aggressive… be assertive for what you know has your name on it.

If you are in a relationship where you know in your heart that it’s right for you, this could be a time to approach it with more maturity and understanding in order to overcome any issues. I like this energy because it will push you from the immature connections that you may tend to make in your relationships to wanting to create something more serious and something more lasting if you can overcome your limiting belief to want to be with someone for the sake of it.

If you aren’t in a relationship this is where you get to look at your relationship with yourself and others more objectively and find ways to heal what needs to be healed. This is a favorable time to work with a coach or counselor to help you ride this wave of success and make progress in your life in some way.

As you start to see that solutions do exist and that you can take action on your dreams, you will absolutely see that there is something more and better meant for you but the key is for you to be patient and flexible when things do come up and not throw in the towel and take steps in the direction that’s going to lead to success. Faith over belief.

How this full moon march 2021 will impact you

yashica crumpton

Want a how this full moon on March 28, 2021 will impact you? If you want to know full moon tips and need an amazing manifest with the moon tutorial, this video will show you my full moon tips for March 2021 that I use to tap into the power of the full moon and understand how the full moon will impact you. You’ll know how this full moon will impact you and all the best tips to manifest with this full moon so you can learn how to become more aligned and more powerful.

If you’re looking for guidance on how this full moon will impact you and just need a tutorial with self discipline tips to help you manifest with this full moon , this video will show you everything you need to know about the full moon that just occured on March 28, 2021.

When you’re ready to learn how the full moon will impact you, this video will give you the top full moon tips via my tutorial to help you get started, and you’ll be set up with the best full moon tips so you can know how to manifest with the full moon.

Watch the video and to get a how the full moon will impact you full moon march 2021 tutorial that sets you up to learn full moon tips to avoid missing out on this powerful energy Want my help taking action? Grab my free guide on more of my top tips on how you can learn to manifest with the full moon and new moon: https://yashica-crumpton.mykajabi.com/manifestwithmoon

How to develop more self discipline - top 5 tips

yashica crumpton

I understand that self discipline can be hard and that resources to help you develop self discipline can be rare so I created a free pdf guide -- How to Develop Self Discipline Guide - 5 top tips without ever having to deal with lack of focus and lack of follow through -- because I want to show you the exact things that I had to integrate so that I could stay on my path and stick to the decisions that I was making to improve my life. 

These tips also helped me to follow through and keep my word to myself when I felt discouraged or things got challenging or life got chaotic.

If you would like a copy of this pdf guide, click the button below!

I hope you enjoy and let me know if you have any questions.