Yashica's Intuition

how to build serenity at home

Top tips to create a zen home

yashica crumpton

In this IGTV Replay, I discuss top tips to create a zen home while I make my elderberry tincture and fire cider. This is a request from a viewer. This is a chill video where I discuss some of the elements that create zen in the home and you could also use these tips to decide what to put in your Zen Den.

As a cheat… here are my top 10 tips to create a zen home.

1. Pay attention to lighting

2. Set the mood with serene things like candles, aromatherapy, music

3. Get rid of clutter

4. Buy what you love

5. Study color psychology and incorporate it into your home

6. Pull in elements of nature. Wood, plants, crystals, etc

7. The mood of the people that live in the home has to be Zen if you want a zen home. How’s that? The items you have from other people, how’s their energy?

8. Buy the best quality you can afford. Notice I didn’t say price, I said understand quality. What makes a quality speaker? Quality sheets? Quality music player? Quality candles?

9. Mix highs and lows for a luxurious feel on a budget

I0. We also have spiritual elements around our home

I am discussing how to create serenity in your home but know that creating a zen home starts with the energy of people in the home so if you need help creating a more spiritual/zen mindset, take my FREE class here and gain instant access to 5 videos to help you cope with stress, restore hope, optimism, and positivity, and increase your intuition and personal growth. Take the free class now ⬇️⬇️ https://yashica-crumpton.mykajabi.com/class