Yashica's Intuition

New Moon in Aries 2020- What they don't want you to know

yashica crumpton

In this video I discuss the Aries New Moon March 2020.

It contains my thoughts for what is next in these trying times It contains advice to help you feel more certain and help you gain grounding It tells you what needs to happen to move forward positively Plus It contains some exciting news regarding Tarot and how you can learn to use it in your own life for certainty and guidance in tough times

Do this:

-Work on what you can control... yourself

-Recognize where you are giving up your freedoms... environmental as well as mentally, physically, and energetically

-Where are you receiving the reality check and where can you acknowledge the need for healing and do better


-Do the work

-Not passive research and information... Not going thru the motion... but actually actually taking action to take rewrite your story and be the MASTER OF YOUR LIFE AND ACTIVELY.... NOT PASSIVELY... TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR LIFE

Recognize this:

-Deep change needs to be made

-Trauma can absolutely trigger positive changes... let it

-Stop hiding from issues and trying to pretend everything is OK...

-Fear should not be your prevalent emotion if you have faith in a bigger vision and purpose


If you want to learn how to read your own cards, I will be doing a totally free 4 part class in my FB group starting on March 26th. All you have to do is join and all LIVE classes and materials will be released in the group.

Join here! https://www.facebook.com/groups/870203926646026/


○ How to Change When You Feel Lost or Stuck - https://youtu.be/58n_B74SEJQ \

○ How to Find Your Life's Purpose - https://youtu.be/0tYu5m4dSbw

○ How to Make Better Decisions - https://youtu.be/AkzmQdEiD14

○ How to Overcome Fear - https://youtu.be/ZYtIZiV5C7o

○ How to Be More Disciplined - https://youtu.be/z_RSjjI4RZU

○ Do This When you Feel Discouraged - https://youtu.be/25_1i9SXH8g