This video is going to tell you one thing that you can do when you feel unstuck.
First, I would like to talk about what stuck looks like because it could look different depending on our situation.
Some ways that you can tell that you are stuck is by feeling outright lazy or unmotivated. Maybe you have a lack of understanding of yourself and your vision for yourself. You may notice a lack of growth and/or development in your life. Or here is a big one--You find yourself repeating certain patterns in life.
Some common causes of feeling and being stuck that I notice in my practice are:
Not allowing challenges and changes to transform you for the better
Limiting beliefs/ conditioning
Lack of Purpose (a natal chart reading would clear that right up)
Mismatched purpose (ties into #2 because you aren’t living for yourself)
I also notice that there is a lack of forgiveness of the self and by not giving yourself grace, you compound this cycle of feeling stuck and it makes things worse.
There is a key to moving forward. You can change when you choose to change and it starts with perspective. Allow things to change you for the positive and understand that the way that you react in life can stop you from forward movement.
Your beliefs are what can create stagnation.
A heart and mind working in alignment can also help and this was discussed in this earlier video.
So now, how do you release stagnation? Who are you… right now… now how you see yourself?
Who do you want to be? Not who others want you to be.
Now what are the actions that you can start doing to close the gap? Do these actions as much as possible and watch energy start to shift. Also when you are doing these actions, something that you are doing as an added bonus is releasing neurochemicals and creating new neural pathways which, with time, will make these actions feel more like habits and this changes your life from within and causes positive changes in your outer world.
Actions also put you into the now… the present… the only moment that is real and it is when you are in a zone or a flow that you are able to connect to the divine and tap into the power of God.
Even though the steps to get unstuck are simple, you may feel like it may not be that easy for you. I would encourage you to seek help if you feel like you are unable to make the changes that are needed on your own. I have spots open for my 12 week coaching program and I would love to talk to you to see if we are a good fit to work together to help you change your life. You can learn more about coaching at