Yashica's Intuition

My Journey to Personal Growth and Personal Mastery

yashica crumpton

I thought this would be the perfect time to introduce/re-introduce you to me, my journey, and Yashica's Intuition® and the catalyst for my journey of personal growth, personal mastery, and self improvement that eventually morphed into my company today.

I hope you follow along for this 6 video series and if any of what I mention inspires you to go on your own journey of personal growth and personal mastery, I have opened up my private calendar for the rest of 2020. We are heading into the last quarter of the year, the perfect time to finish the year strong and get rid of some of the baggage and frustrating energy that holds you back from living your best life.

Let's do the work, finish 2020 strong, and step into 2021 renewed. To hop on a free call with me to discuss private coaching and learn more, visit this site.