Yashica's Intuition

New Moon in Pisces March 17, 2018

Astrology Reportsyashica crumpton

There was a new moon in Pisces on March 17, 2018 in the early AM hours


New moons are a time of new beginnings. It is a good time to set intentions for the things that you want to manifest. You can commit yourself to your goals... your hopes and dreams... and what you visualize in your most perfect life.


Piscean energy is visionary. There is an interconnectedness to this energy that blurs boundaries so it can tend to make us feel a little lost in this dimension.... not feeling like we have a place here on earth. We have all been there right? Pisces is spiritual, creative, intuitive, emotional and is a deep energy connecting with a merging so deep that boundaries are blurred.

I always tell you that there are levels to this stuff right and we are all on a different walk and a different journey in this lifetime. In a world where everything seems to be so pretty and perfect due to social media life editing and scripted "reality" shows, it is important to not forget this. Strong Pisces energy can make you super sensitive to everything. You feel all the feels but cannot discern if the feelings are yours or someone elses so you own them. We can feel ungrounded and vacilate between feeling lost or pushing our energy out so much that it oversteps the boundaries of others. Escapism and substance abuse are big on this Piscean level. Think about it. This level can be extremely overwhelming.

Some of us have moved into a place where we are starting to use this energy more healthily and are forming a connection to the divine. We and learning to develop containers for all the feels and create healthier boundaries. When we are in our feelings, we know that they are truly ours vs picking up all the feelings, drama, and emotion of the world around us. Our values are increasing as well.

If we can harness the beauty of this energy we get to channel this energy for good.... to save the world in a sense.  Think about great creative works of art, healers, intuitives, love and romance. All the things that put us in touch with the essence of what light energy... what love really is. You also get to rewrite your own personal karmas and evolve to the next level.


We can find new beginnings around healing, letting go, and getting ready to start a new chapter of our lives in some area. Drop your ego! Drop the BS! How are you playing yourself and trying to hold on and control your life out of fear of failure or embarrassment , or fear of what other people have yo say about YOUR LIFE? How are you selling yourself short instead of being brave enough to step into a new life?

This seems like an internal, contemplative time to get in touch with your soul/intuition and create intentions about what finally needs to leave and what's up next for you. If there is pain and you have been trying to heal and work thru it alone unsuccessfully, there is energy here to support you.


  • Get a coach, mentor, counselor, therapist
  • Check into rehab
  • Introspection will bring lovely insights.... try meditation... nothing crazy, just try
  • Work on creative projects
  • Increase your spiritual/religious connections
  • Kick up the romance, can form deeper, healthier connections
  • Where have yo been reactive and responsive? How can you change that?
  • Where are you avoiding hurt & pain? Lean in and deal with it
  • Make the difficult but necessary decisions you need to make regarding conflict and crisis

Thank you for reading. I hope this information is helpful for you to feel empowered and work towards something big in your life. This is some big and very important energy in your life and I want you to go forth and be great. I know sometimes when everything is being turned upside down, it can be overwhelming and confusing. Never forget that by obtaining a reading from me, you will be given the information you need to sort thru all the fog and have some clear inslght into issues that hold you back and stop you from moving forward. You can learn more about purchasing a private reading here

Image courtesy of Tarot.com

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