Yashica's Intuition

Chiron in Aries

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Chiron entered Aries on April 17, 2018. It will go in and out of Aries & Pisces until 2019. It will then settle in Aries up until April of 2027.


On a basic level, Chiron was a centaur most commonly called the wounded healer. He was a centaur that was a visionary teacher and very connected to natural modalities of medicine such as botanicals. His students were able to experience miraculous healing thru his teachings and support. He had a series of  unfortunate events that left him in continuous pain, such as rejection at birth and an accidental wounding by one of his students. He was able to channel that pain to help his students evolve and grow but since he was immortal, he was unable to escape the pain and eventually gave up his immortality so that ultimately he could die and not suffer anymore. 


Chiron has been classified as many things, but I will call him an astroid. He orbits between Saturn and Uranus bridging the individual and the collective. The time and space continuum. 

In your chart, he represents accidental wounds that you experience that dig deep and kind of eat away at you. They erode our trust from a very early age. These wounds never really fully heal, but like Chiron, we learn to deal with them and channel our lessons learned and healing modalities to assist others.


This is a time to be able to focus on healing from a self-centered point of view. We get to work on healing sense of self and/or our physical self. Healthcare in general may also experience growth or changes (this also applies to science to me... quantum physics)

We get to work with ego and eliminate the areas of ego that cause us to play the victim role in our lives. We also get to work on our ego and develop a healthy sense of it as it relates to realizing our life purpose and recognizing that we are enough.

I mentioned it before, but I feel like we will be triggered and they will be quick, blunt, and maybe aggressive at times. There will be no mistaking where we need healing and work. The good thing, though, is that things will be quickly dealt with so that we can move forward so we have this opportunity to work thru stuff quickly and by leaps and bounds.

As we are working to that larger life purpose and legacy I always speak of, we will have our sense of self tested so this is a time to lean in and level up no matter what.

If you are experiencing a Chiron return (born between 68-77) you may go thru an experience that will give you an ah-ha moment that will allow you to finally accept yourself and be comfortable in your own skin.


  • Own your existence and importance in this lifetime
  • Ask yourself: Where do you have personal limitations to heal? How are you playing the victim or giving away your power? 
  • Reclaim your health and deal with body image issues
  • If you have learned thru hardships in your own life, how can you help others going thru the same things as you went thru? How can you help others heal like Chiron did? 
  • Get a reading. That one is just self explanatory. Even a short, sweet 10 minute reading is enough to gain some clarity, get unstuck, and have information to get you moving in the right direction.






Yashica is a  focused on sharing information and guidance to help you move past blocks and other issues that prevent you from living your happiest and best life. On the blog, you will find a variety of topics that will help you succeed in life such as; horoscopes, astrology reports, free tarot readings, advice podcasts, life advice, videos, and much more. Yashica's Intuition also provides life coaching, life consulting, tarot readings and reiki treatments. The mission, by providing these resources and information, is to help you learn how to use all information and tools at your disposal to stop living in negative patterns and start living your true life purpose. I have physical locations in the Seattle area and also work with clients virtually.

image courtesy of Blossom of the Soul