Yashica's Intuition

How To Accept Love

yashica crumpton
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I have been traveling non-stop. It has definitely been a blessing and a direct reflection of the things that I have wanted to manifest but it has also been taxing. Before we scoot into the holiday season though, I could not leave you hanging and this week I would love to share my views on accepting love… especially in a time when you could be more vulnerable and triggered around such things as love and family.

Oftentimes, through life experiences, we may come into contact with those that don’t honor us or give us the love and support we need. This can be impactful to who we become, especially if our own flesh and blood… our family… was less than optimal for what we feel we needed for appropriate growth and development. When we experience such traumatic experiences, we often shut down and become cynical about love. This, in turn, closes our hearts to love. I want to talk to you about learning to accept love.

Accepting love, especially if you are in a vulnerable state, is about knowing that even in times where you can feel low and hard on yourself, that other people in this world can see love and beauty within you. So know that even through hard and difficult times, friends and loved ones that aren’t family may be your special people…. Your family… your solace. They are the people that can see inside of you without fault and judgement and recognize that you are worth loving. Let them. We get so hung up on the societal construct of family that we miss the family that stands before our eyes. The teachers, mentors, friends, and more. The opportunities to love and create our own sacred circle, which in turn leads to healing on a deep level. 

And just know that the more you are able to recognize and accept love from others, the more that you start to align with your higher self and love yourself more. So, in a weird and twisted way, to accept love is to learn to love yourself more. So please remember this and keep your heart open because even at a time when you may feel disconnected from the traditional story of love, it doesn’t mean that you can’t begin a new chapter and accept the possibility that love lives all around you. Accepting that truth is the beginning of accepting love.

I wish you a happy start to the holiday season and I wish you love, peace, and healing. 
