Yashica's Intuition

How To Hear your Intuition

yashica crumpton

I have been invited to be a weekly guest contributor over at The Spiritual Daily and to kick off my first post, I wanted to share with you all, one of the techniques that I teach my students when it comes to learning how to tap into your intuition.

Read on for the article and to learn what your intuition sounds like…. especially if you are feeling a little down and lost and searching for something that can help you.

You’re sitting in your car in the most annoying traffic jam ever. It’s bumper to bumper and it’s not moving at all! You start fumbling around with your music controls to try to find something that will make the commute less painful. Finally, you find a song that you know you have heard before and you have fallen in love with it again. It’s catchy, it’s upbeat, it’s your jam. But, there’s a problem, you can’t remember the name of it and the info is not coming up on your screen. You really want to know the name of the song so that you can add it to your playlist so it’s going to bug you to not know the name of it. The whole way home, all you can think about is trying to remember the name of the song to no avail.

Fast forward to later. You are home cooking some dinner and have finally been able to stop trying to figure out the name of the song. As you are stirring your spaghetti sauce in an almost meditative state, something suddenly hits you. The name of the song. A little voice pops up in your head and it gently but assertively tells you what the name of the song was.

We’ve all been there right?

Often times in life, especially when things are leaving you stuck or blocking your progress, you can feel lost. You’ll try to grasp at anything… any piece of hope or information that you can find to get you unstuck. The problem is, you only end up feeling more confused and out of touch with yourself.

Here’s a little secret! One reason why you may feel this way is due to the fact that you may be disconnected from your own inner wisdom and guidance leaving you to feel alone and trapped in situations that can bring you down. 

If this has gone on for a long time, you may not even realize that you even have an inner guidance system that can help you. Maybe you have never been taught about it, maybe you heard about it but fail to recognize how it works in YOUR life.

Whenever you need to, you have an inner voice that mimics the example I have given you about the song and is a clue to what it may feel like when your inner guidance is trying to help you on your path. The example that I shared with you about the song is important to you if you have ever felt out of touch with yourself because it serves as a clue to tell you how this voice really sounds in your life. It may have evaded you in the past. You may have never paid attention to it. Or maybe your fears, anxieties, or your ego and thoughts may have blocked it’s true nature.

A simple reminder for you is that this inner voice you seek, it’s not something you have to force, like trying to remember that song. It is a voice that is assured and matter of fact. It comes through when you are least likely to expect it but what it has to say is quiet and has the exact information that you need or may have been looking for.

When you are trying to tune into your inner guidance… your intuition, I want you to remember how it sounds when you finally remembered the name of that song. That is how your inner guidance may sound to you. Over time, when you honor this voice, that may at first seem quiet, it will become louder. The more you trust and obey it the more it will be there to help you. It will tell you the best outcome for ALL involved so there is no need to fear it. 

You listen to it, trust it, act on it, and then a funny thing happens. You find that on the day-to-day it will get louder, and you will notice it more and more. It becomes effortless to be connected to yourself no matter what is going on in your life. You don’t have to feel lost ever again.

You deserve a life connected to your true self and have something that you can count on to always lead you towards your heart’s purpose. If that connection is currently missing in your life, there is an answer. In July, I will be hosting a 2 day workshop. It is live online and the purpose of the workshop is to teach you how to to tap into your inner guidance so that you know there is always an internal system to help you get thru life when it may seem confusing. You will also learn how to protect your energy from other people’s negativity or other environments with bad vibes so that you can recognize what is truly your’s vs what’s not.