Yashica's Intuition

yashica crumpton
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As you read this very fitting article for the week, I will be taking an impromptu vacation to foster some human connection so you will not get a horoscope this week. I also want to prepare for all of you lovely folks that signed up for the Intuition 101 two day workshop. You still have time to sign up here! Class starts Tuesday. I will be active on social media because we do have a powerful eclipse coming up, but after you read this article, you will understand more.

I was named Writer of the Week last week (thanks everyone for your support) on thespiritualdaily.com for the article that I wrote on Mars in Leo... check your email if you missed it, and this week I am giving you another sneak peek at this week's article. Make sure to head over there and check out the other writers for a dose of spiritual inspiration.

Heres the sneak peek article:

We all are probably familiar with the famous quote by Pierre Teilhade de Chardin, “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” I tend to be someone that always teaches that in an age of digital connections and social media “friendships”, while I don’t discredit those relationships… I would love for you to consider the meaning of that quote and think about the importance of the human experience.

This quote highlights the fact that as you live your day to day life, it can become easy for you to prioritize your thoughts, emotions, and other non-tangible aspects of your life and allow those factors to solely define you and what you experience. Yes, these abstract components are part of the human experience, but there is another part of you that can be easy to lose touch with in this information age and in fact, I believe, may be undervalued as well.

This is the power of the human experience through human connection and to drill down even deeper, the connection, not via the internal mental processes and feelings as I have already stated as being important, but also through physical connection. I believe that we are souls that decided that we wanted to know what life literally feels like, because to touch another person and experience that through hormones and nerves and veins, and smells…. that right there…… that can be powerful and therefore one of the reasons your soul is here on this Earth, in your body. 

Without your body, your soul would still have feelings and thoughts, but with your body, you become so much more powerful because not only are you able to physically experience the world with your senses, but you are then able to experience the world through the physical connection that comes with having a human connection with another being that is also just as powerful as you are. 

This human connection is impressive, no matter how much society would like to minimize it or replicate it with artificial intelligence. The physical act of human connection has the power to impact your life in positive ways that are beneficial physically, such as through the release of feel good hormones that help you ward off cardiovascular disease and other biological illnesses, as well as mentally, by minimizing feelings of loneliness. Just think about those cuddle meet-up groups. It seems like such a bizarre thing to have to integrate into our society, but when you consider how detrimental the lack of human connection can be to your livelihood coupled with the decrease in human interaction and contact from a physical standpoint, it all makes sense.

I have mentioned several times how I believe that in certain ways, as a whole, we are TRYING to move away from human connection on a physical level (otherwise, humans are more connected than they ever have been in the history of the world). The beauty is, though, that our souls won’t let it happen. Remember that...sometimes, life for you will get busy and you will get wrapped up in your feelings, thoughts, or social media, but your soul knows why it is here and will always remind you in someway that one of your purposes here on this earth is to embrace your human experience. 

This beautiful experience is integral to you and benefits you when you remember to put emphasis on your physical connection with other humans. When you are lonely, tired, or not feeling like yourself, remember this lesson and do your best to try to integrate activities into your life to force you to connect with others with all of who you are. Not just the body. Not just the mind. Not just the internal feelings. All of you. You may find that it may be the quickest way to allow you to feel grounded, secure, and obtain and maintain your sense of belonging in a world that may feel increasingly disconnected. Never get to busy or disconnected to experience one of the most beautiful reasons why you are here on this Earth. To experience yourself and others.

Yashica is the founder and CEO of Yashica’s Intuition whose mission is to connect individuals that are motivated, self- starters but find that after doing work on outer achievements and developments, they find that they are missing a spiritual component in life and want to learn how to integrate spiritual principles to live a more fulfilling life. You can learn more at www.yashicasintuition.com