Yashica's Intuition

Astrology Report: Full Moon in Taurus October 2020 Predictions- Happy Halloween

yashica crumpton
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Before I get into this reading, I first want to share the reason why I do these readings. It’s not because I am an astrologer, it’s not because I want to make mundane predictions, it is because I am personal mastery oriented. I want the following astrology report to inspire you not to keep consuming more data and then having the same thoughts as yesterday… acting the same way as you did last month… I want you to learn. And the way I teach learning to my clients, no matter if its a class, a private client, or the future members of my upcoming membership and masterclass… is that learning is an active process (it’s a verb)  that requires you to engage. 

In fact, learning literally means the acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, study, or being taught. And acquisition means development of a skill, quality, or habit. What does that mean?

It means you do something with this report to make your life better. You are forewarned about the energy of the Full Moon via this report so that you can leverage your opportunities and strengths and overcome obstacles and threats to your peace and balance via adopting more self-awareness and self-control.

Let’s get into it!

The subconscious/shadow/what is normally hidden is fully revealed so that you’re fully aware of several things. I see something coming to the surface that will result in a possible tug of war related to your self worth and self value. You may either stay in situations that zap your power due to lack of awareness or lack of belief that you are enough. This could be in relationships but it could also manifest via circumstances in your life. 

You may, subsequently or in contrast, think that you are increasing your value and self worth and feel like you can finally let go of the things that you need to let go of.

Either way, I feel like you will recognize a need to find balance between:

  • What has value and what doesn’t

  • The power you can generate on your own vs the power you derive from other sources

  • Your focus on the 5 sensory “reality” vs the deeper subconscious/intuitive experience

The key is not to go extreme in one way or the other and to find more balance, look to the opposite of where you normally lean and incorporate those traits. In this case it would be Scorpio vs Taurus. If you are more Scorpio, look to Taurus and vice versa.

The Sun and Uranus are making an angle that has a similar theme but as Uranus tries to create liberation, deconditioning, and evolution, expect the unexpected. This placement speaks to shake ups in the things that keep you stuck in a comfort zone and it could feel quite chaotic because even if you thought you knew things, you may still realize that you were living life unaware so be prepared for shake ups.

If you experience a negative shake up related to material goods or other external factors or finances, just know that there is help available and if you are willing to be innovative and be your authentic self, you may experience unexpected rewards.

Your intuition will be heightened and with Uranus in the mix, you could get some divine downloads that seem more complete than what you are used to or are more advanced than where you are in life. The tap to that infinite wisdom and intuition will bring creative energy to help you move forward in ways that you wouldn’t expect. Don’t fixate on the how… do your part as best as you know how.

I see mood swings and this could put you in a pickle because it can cause you to act out of instinct and impulse thinking that you are tapping into intuition and miss the mark. Being that the imprint of this full moon is also tied  to an area of intimacy and your shadow, expect there to be issues that could arise with attachment that can cause disruptions, especially in your most intimate relationships.

As much as I say have discernment, this doesn’t mean that you continue to stay stuck in your safe place overanalyzing everything and not growing and ascending. There’s things that you may need to act on so instead of taking so much time thinking and in a state of passive action that causes you to miss an opportunity, this is a good time to be open to experimenting knowing that it’s ok if things don’t turn out as you expect, for positive or negative, due to the instability that I see.

On top of this, you may have an issue with your thoughts/mindset. All week, I’ve been called to discuss with you how you are possibly not truly learning until you start integrating data into your life and putting it into action. Until then, you have inert data. On top of this, lessons with this placement could be linked to what you are experiencing in your outer world as a mirror and asking you if you like what you see.

If you don’t, where are you meant to envision a new reality and a new mindset for yourself and then act to create a new, solid foundation for yourself and your relationships. You should, of course, be present in the now because this is the only moment that is real, but what do you need to learn and how do you need to shift to create the next phase in your life?

Be creative! 

Are you thinking the same thoughts and approaching your life as you always do? Navigating life taking the same actions you always take? Or are you ultimately becoming more wise and in turn putting your position to move towards a goal or a purpose or leave your mark?

Limiting beliefs about the future are possible because it could be hard to see that opportunities are available and that you just need to try to find them. They aren’t in your comfort zone and all the other unhealthy mess that you are attracted to, that’s for sure. They are not in your current reality. You need to learn how to tap into spiritual energy available to you via the 6th sensory world to help you access infinite wisdom that can help you much more than you can carry yourself. This is precisely the reason why I teach spirituality and created my upcoming 8 month spiritual mentorship.

Especially, with all these tense energies putting pressure on your past/current mindset and the changes you need to make to move forward, there could be some restrictions felt there but there are always things that need to go and things that need to stay. Stop thinking that everything needs to be reinvented, some things are the way they are for a reason and they WORK, so have the respect and the discipline to understand structures that are necessary vs those that need to fall away. Put a special emphasis on what it takes to manifest your dreams and to bring form to your dreams. To do this you must take control of your mind via a strategy and self discipline.

The choice is yours. As the full moon is drumming up emotions and limiting beliefs that keep you stuck. Also,are you going to pay attention to the lessons and shift or are you going to keep picking at the same old things (wounds) until they bleed?

Are you going to get all emotional and self sabotage… especially when it comes to what you dream of for yourself and your relationships?

A question that I like to ask my personal mastery private clients, and I will ask you here, is are you weaving your future with the thread of the past? The same principles? The same mindset and thoughts that you’ve always had?

If you have, you’re stuck.

Simply put and this moon will challenge you on what you say you want and how you think vs your actual actions and where you focus your attention.

Here is a piece of light. An easy opportunity to grasp at, if you will. Yes, there will be challenges with mindset and how you continue to take INvaluable action, but the chance is there for you to recalibrate your values and create from a better space more easily.

This can be related to your relationship with yourself, your relationships with others, and even making disciplined decisions to create lasting results related to your finances. So again, I’m seeing a pattern of needing to tap into master, which means deliberate focus and actions that are oriented towards an aim and a purpose and not to live so reactive in life meaning you lack the skills and discipline to be more proactive in life. 

Is life happening to you or are you consciously creating the life that you want? This question is in relation to what matters to you and what you desire, not what looks good on paper.

Because Mars is retrograde, while this would normally be a good time to take action on things, I believe the actions should be directed internally to restructure who you are to match the vision of what you want your life to look like. This is a good time to do some internally directed action and soul searching to come up with a strategy.

If you feel provoked, bring the energy in because it is not a good time to push and fight because it will only create more resistance, especially if you aren’t acting from a place of your power vs force. Get yourself and your circumstances together before you take on new things or try to impact things outside of yourself.

Power struggles and forcing and fighting can come up but think about the shadow work you need to do and recognize that triggers are learning opportunities. Start there.

You may want to be stuck in this cycle by choice. You know why I say that? Because the placements in this Full Moon say that you may be someone that self sabotages. You have the knowledge that you need to take the 1st step and Neptune retrograde makes the right direction more clear than it normally would be about the direction that you will need to take to, again, step towards your future and towards a goal… towards a purpose. Here’s the thing you may need to consider, wherever you want closeness, intimacy, and deeper connections and you do it for safety and security (this could be people, circumstances, guilty escapes), your codependency or dependency could be exposed because you are trying to move in a new direction.

Especially, again, in your friendships and relationships and more. Let go of the mess you need to let know of and concentrate on expanding your mind, communicating your needs, and letting go of the negative things you need to do to feel better and create artificial harmony.

I hope you enjoyed this long ass report, lol. This is an amazing Full Moon for a lot of internal things that you need to do to create abundance in your outerworld. Don’t get distracted, it starts with you and if you do the inner work, success will be just around the corner and it will be easy!

If you want to learn how to shift your mindset, I recommend, with this Full Moon, to work on a more spiritual mindset and I have a FREE 5 video course that can help you get started.