Yashica's Intuition

The power to change your life: full moon in gemini lunar eclipse november 2020

yashica crumpton

Today with this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse report I want to pull out a list of themes because I want you to understand that there may some energies that may be at odds with each other depending on your own personal astrology and the key here will be about trying to find balance by not being either or… but by trying to find the middle ground.

Think of it like this. The goal is to achieve a certain temperature of warm water as exactly as you can but they only give you a cup of hot water and a cup of cold water. In this case to make the warm water at the exact desired temp, you will have to mix a little hot with a little cold in order to get to warm. Because you are striving for perfection, you will need to mix and check… mix and mix and check… this is how this energy will play out.

So, here is a list of what I feel are the themes of this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini so that you will know what energies you need to mix to get as perfect to middle as you can:

  • Intuition vs Logic

  • Left Brain vs Right Brain

  • Details vs The Bigger Vision

  • The Present vs The Future

  • Facts and Knowledge vs True Wisdom

  • Analysis Paralysis vs Imperfect, Inspired Action

  • Basic Understanding vs Deeper Understanding

  • The Laws of Man vs The Laws of the Universe

  • Basic Education vs Higher Education

I feel that this is a very intuitive Full Moon and in order for you to use this energy wisely you will need to follow the hunches and nudges to progress and evolve. You are not a tree. You are not supposed to be thinking the same thought and doing the same things day in and day out. Yes enjoy the present but always be living up to your potential in life… it is truly how you make the world a better place and raise consciousness.

Self reflection will be much needed and lots of intuitive and creative pieces of information may come about. Let them inspire you. Stop talking yourself out of the life that you were meant for because you are scared or have doubts. If you are not experiencing unsafe situations, there is nothing to be scared of.

Some of the traits of this Full Moon will help you look towards the future with optimism if you let them. You will also be able to communicate more openly and reclaim your internal drive and desire to achieve more for yourself. This is super empowering if you allow yourself to be empowered and stop letting shitty situations and relationships hold you back. If you can overcome your issues with power and intimacy and commitment and discipline… YOU WILL UNLOCK LUCK!

The same goes for your ability to see things more clearly and recalibrate yourself and get more organized. You have an opportunity you can take to plan and have the serious discussions you need to have with yourself and others to make things happen in your life. The ability to remove things that take your power away and express yourself in a way that aligns with your purpose and tap into your personal ambition are all there. It still requires you to be the change and take the first step.

The last thing I will say… and remember the video has much more info in it… is that there could be some volatility in relationships, finances, or your own personal self love and inner security that you may see crop up to the surface if you have not been dealing with any negativity in these issues or refusing to see things clearly. You will have a greater awareness in these areas and be able to take charge. 

The key is to look for clues from the people you interact with and your circumstances for they will be a mirror upon which you will learn more about the truth and if you don’t like what you see… transform it, not them.

Alright, get to spiritual work!


Also if you want to learn more about how to manifest with this full moon I have a totally free class that you can take here

👉🏾👉🏾👉🏾 https://yashica-crumpton.mykajabi.com/manifestwithmoon

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