Yashica's Intuition

The Great Conjunction of 2020- Saturn & Pluto Unite December 21, 2020

yashica crumpton

In this video I discuss The great conjunction of 2020 astrology predictions. On December 21, while we will be stepping into winter via the winter solstice, we will also have a powerful Saturn Jupiter Conjunction in the sign of Aquarius ushering in some powerful and new energy that I feel is fresh and optimistic. Learn more now by watching the video!

There are not many times in life where you get the opportunity to move in flow with energy that is going to help you close the doors from the past that keep you emotionally. You may try to get ahead and find that there are challenges and barriers that get in the way and to try to get over them requires a great amount of your energy. You also may learn, that this whole time, you are the one that has been getting in the way from you having the success, and relationships, and life that you really want.

Well there is a huge opportunity for you to realize what you need to do to finally move forward, especially in relation to those emotional ties or deep seated issues that keep you from realizing success.

If you are on the right path, you can expect to keep experiencing more favor and reap the rewards of all the hard work you have been doing thus far. Your actions and your conviction to do the hard things no matter what will be rewarded.


This energy is also favored for those of you that will finally break free from the limited views that keep you back and help you realize that if you need help, healing and freedom is available to you, but it may require the help and support of another to move ahead. It's the perfect time to consider working with a coach and if you are ready to move forward, the right time is not Jan 1st or some arbitrary date in the future. When you are conscious that you are stuck and need help, that is the time to act.

If you find that you have tried to do what you can do on your own and would like to work with me privately, I have private coaching slots available.