Yashica's Intuition

Full moon in Cancer December 2020

yashica crumpton

In this video/post, I will be discussing the full moon in Cancer that occurs on December 29th at approx 9:28pm CST. We are ending the year of 2020… the year that’s been filled with ups and downs… with a double full moon in Cancer. I know everyone is ready for 2020 to be over but if you are planning on starting the new year, new you on January 1, you have already missed out on some very powerful astrology and what I see with this Full Moon is even more energy for you to add to what started with the December eclipse and continue to take initiative and change your life.

During the full moon, the Sun and the Moon are opposite which usually means that you will have to work hard to find a middle ground against energies that can seem to oppose each other. Because I focus on Personal Mastery and how this astrology falls within the energy that you can control… that is what I will focus on, as always.

WIth this opposition, I see themes around finding balance between getting out there and doing the work to achieve the things that matter to you vs staying in your comfort zone because it is safe and cozy and you don’t have to deal with things such as self doubt, what others think of you, or fear of failure… ya know… the things that you might have to grapple with if you really tried.

If you are off track in relation to  work and play or related to your home vs your professional life, there will be a big old spotlight shone on the whole situation so that you are able to see things clearly and adjust accordingly.

I also see something interesting… I feel like you will feel like you want to break free. And specifically it could be some family stuff that may have held you back, specifically as you look at the conditioning that you have received and needing to question if it’s impacting you moving towards a life that has meaning for you. Is there something inhibiting you living your life on purpose?

All of this can seem like it is hard work and can be overwhelming but I think you will have to ask yourself if you want to stick your head in the sand and pretend things are ok or side step issues that you need to address or look challenges in the face, head on, because you know that as long as you keep putting one foot in front of the other, you will achieve what you want out of life.

I talk alot about alignment of the intellect and the intuition or specifically the heart and the mind and I feel like your conscious and your mind are calling on you to move forward but perhaps you may be a little emotional and even a bit scared. It’s ok…. Don’t let your decisions in life be based on emotions that hold you back from meaningful progress and growth. The mental clarity is there. Feelings are not always facts. Try to bring a little objectivity to emotionally pulling relationships or circumstances.

Also, as this placement is currently far away from our emotions, things can be very polarizing so I would tread carefully when it comes to having sensitive discussions. Your strength does lie in the way that you communicate and process information... it may just have to do with speaking with people that matter or the way that you say what needs to be said. If you need to do anything work or communication related… even writing… this is a good time to do so. Make sure you stay organized or get organized to use this energy effectively and efficiently. 

Uranus is playing well with the Moon and the sun. I see an excitement to try new things and favorable results that can come from stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new things. If you can marry your intellect with your intuition… as both will be doing quite well together… you can find yourself in unexpected situations or encounters what will work well for you. This energy will also help you care less about what you or others think and move forward more confidently. This is an energy that requires you to activate the flow by always being open to new things.

What is in flow and what you should be happy about as it is that you can make something very real when it comes to something you want to manifest. Something that you have worked for and taken tangible steps to obtain could bring in positive things in the most unexpected ways. You have more understanding about something and it will allow you to breathe new life into what you may have been frustrated or disillusioned about.

To capitalize on the positive energy of this full moon, here are some things I believe that you will have to grapple with. Maybe it’s fear. Fear of the truth, fear of the unknown, fear of learning new skills, fear of failure. It could even be that your emotions are clouding things and making you fearful and as you act in that way, you inhibit your opportunities. Maybe you will be forced to face a reality that you tried to avoid out of fear. Maybe you will be forced to see how your insecurities get in the way from you living authentically.

Be disciplined in your actions and if they match your values in all areas of life. Let loose and have fun but be impeccable about the things that matter because it can be a little harder to do those things. I am warning you right now. Pluto and Mars are still doing their little dance around power struggles and aggression which can still be touchy… channel this into your goals. Mind your business. Jupiter and Uranus are still creating a tension around what needs to stay and what needs to go. This goes for old ideas, how you value yourself, where you need to break free and do a major overhaul in your life, etc. And… Neptune is causing some overall major deception or self delusion which makes objective thinking even more important.

I created a nice tarot spread for this Double Full Moon in Cancer to help give you specific guidance and answers if you feel like you need help with this.

To get the tarot spread, all you have to do is text the word mastery to 833-231-4407