Yashica's Intuition

New Moon in Taurus April 2020- It's Not All Fairy Tales & Rainbows

yashica crumpton

This new moon is not as cool as I would hope it to be…. lol…. just keeping it real. Nevertheless, there is a ton of guidance and opportunity for us if we are willing to meet the universe halfway.

Let’s get into it

The first thing I see is a desire for you to maybe want to be out and about or at least craving more socialization. New and fresh ideas could lead to some lucky breaks and insights. If you play your cards right, you could even get really close to a dream or goal you have been working towards.

Like I mentioned in my Full Moon video, I still see volatility in all things air such as thoughts, ideas, weather, respiratory things, etc. While for obvious reasons that may not be a good thing, there is some positive that may result.

If you can avoid being wishy washy but keep yourself open to fresh, new ideas, this could be great for you. Avoid taking a hard stance on anything, especially if you don’t understand it because now is not the time to get prematurely stuck in a certain mindset.

If you are experiencing downloads of information, what’s cool is that they can be so clear right now that you understand them in complete ideas.

I spoke in depth about the dangers of being overly optimistic and I stand by my word. That energy is still around so watch it. It is connected to Jupiter. What Jupiter is bringing in, though, is luck on working on a dream. You have the ability to be intensely focused on that which you desire but you have to make sure that what you want and what you desire don’t consume you to the point that your opinion is all that matters.

I see the possibility of you encountering power struggles as well as struggles with your personal hopes and dreams and wanting to drive forward and risk being impulsive vs actually applying yourself and focusing on the strategy and work that needs to be done to actually manifest something.

Tension between the old and the new…. a new way of thinking… a new cycle… vs. having faith in your dreams. It is about doing what is right for you vs what’s right for the greater good and trying to find the balance in the middle. This new moon may also push you into being a free thinker…. even if you don’t want to be.

You could also feel tested and restricted in some way which could lead to some feelings of discouragement. Just keep moving in the right direction and moving forward on your goals and things will work out.


It is very normal to feel weighed down but don’t give up. Also, don’t forget to have patience and decrease your urge to break up with your common sense because the consequences are similar to those I mentioned in my full moon video. Because the moon is making some funky angles, make sure to also watch out for mood swings and increased emotional volatility.

Uranus is bringing the unexpected like always. This may have you still evaluating your individual hopes and dreams while also trying to brace yourself for more unexpected developments that could be positive or negative but whatever it is, because of the angle, it will feel like there is tension or like things come to a head. Some possible struggles… tradition vs progression and the rate at which disruption brings about change… this will continue for a while.

There is a subconscious awakening. You may be searching for more meaning and purpose for your life or trying to be more mindful but there is so much hidden information that nothing is as it seems. What is super cooky is that you can find information to support whatever opinions you decide to adopt, even if they are right or wrong. Discernment is really important. The positive things that come with this aspect are healing, spirituality. The negative is the immaturity and inaccuracy of the information available. Also reality may be hard to deal with so grace will continue to be needed.

In Between the compulsion and struggle with self absorption, there is a call to restructure your life. Put down the conspiracy theories and extreme ideas and focus on yourself. What is played out? Where can you let go? Where can you let more in? Being extra to make yourself feel better, consciously or subconsciously, can end up making you look real foolish or have you spinning on the ego trip from hell.

The Opportunities:

  • You have access to deeper wisdom

  • You can heal from the things that keep you trapped

  • Turning inwards can lead to increased creativity, increased spirituality, and align with big moves related to your next evolutionary path

  • Luck…. stay ready so you don’t have to get ready. You never know but you have to be prepared

  • Passive Action and Assertive action are needed in balance.

The doors to my tarot class close today. If you have ever wanted to learn more about this powerful tool… the only tool that can give you answers on demand… here is your chance. Come join me in class and learn to read tarot like a pro in a month.