Yashica's Intuition

How to Use Sexual Energy for More Powerful Manifestations

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Today, I may want to touch on a topic that’s taboo even though it really shouldn’t be. And because it is, there is a powerful, life energy that you could use to change your life. Literally!

If this topic makes you uncomfortable, you should leave now.

I want to talk to you about Sexual Energy. You know it. It can be intentional. That inner desire you feel when you lock eyes with someone that sparks an unexplained and sometimes uncontrollable arousal. That feeling that sneaks up on you when you are alone and you least expect it. Society has a common word for it…. Feeling horny… but it is something much more than that and can be channeled into an energy that is powerful for manifesting.

See this energy, when it builds up, can either be ignored (difficult to do), which can lead to frustration, it can be released through the act of sex or orgasm on the material plane, or you can channel it to help you attract your wildest desires by releasing it through a more high dimension. This is something that you may hear called Sexual Transmutation. Some of the most powerful people in the world are using this energy. If you have ever read Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill…. There is a whole chapter devoted to this… and you KNOW this book is a staple for personal growth and development.

In relation to spirituality, on a simplistic level, let’s think of your seven chakras. This energy starts in your sacral chakra and it can stay there, be released through sex, or you can learn how to push that energy up into higher chakras to make them more powerful. This in turn makes you more powerful than when you release it through a sexual act.

I believe you can channel Sexual Energy to a higher cause in one of two ways. If you decide to release it via a sexual act, as you are building up towards orgasm, you can visualize what you are trying to manifest. I like to say that right at orgasm, you can really see yourself having what you want. 

A second way you can use this energy is simple. When you want to manifest something in your life, you become more powerful when you are able to direct ALL your energy towards You can abstain from sexual acts. When that desire and Sexual Energy starts to crop up, you can channel this energy up to the next higher chakra, your chakra connected to personal power. By doing this, you strengthen your willpower and determination. You can then use this energy very powerfully by pouring yourself into that which you want to manifest.

As you can see, as you do this, this energy can become intense and gain momentum to where you feel like you are connected to your desires, you are able to have the confidence to speak your truth. Because you are living more authentically in your power, you are able to connect more with your intuition and as you embody more of who you are, you are more connected with the Divine. This inspires creation (among other things)…. Kundalini Energy. See how that works?

This is why, if you are connected with the essence of powerful Sexual Energy, many people believe you should abstain from sexual acts, especially with other people that you don’t have an special connection with. It is a powerful, sacred energy. I am, personally, sexually liberal but you can see how not controlling this power and whom you choose to share this power with can lead to negative consequences in your life. On the other hand, I want you to see that it can also be very powerful when you are sharing tantric-like Sexual Energy with someone that you are connected with. 

I hope that this has helped you look at your sexuality and Sexual energy in a different light and you now recognize a powerful life force that you have inside of yourself to help you become your higher self here on Earth and manifest your wildest dreams.

If you want to know more about sexual energy, you can also listen to this podcast episode

Yashica is a spiritual consultant and life coach. She primarily works with motivated, professional women that want to end their self sabotage once and for all and start to experience a successful personal life that mirrors their professional life. You can learn more about her at  www.yashicasintuition.com