Yashica's Intuition

The One Thing You Need to Know to Move Forward in Life

yashica crumpton
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People are so scared to make a decision.

There I said it.

Part of having conviction and getting what you want out of life is choosing. It can be A or it can be B…. one only knows what will happen but what I know for damn sure is that not choosing one or the other means you are stagnant. It means you aren’t doing anything or going anywhere in life. It means you get to waste another second, minute, day, month, year, stuck in the same place that you keep promising yourself you wouldn’t be in or won’t tolerate any longer.

The place that makes you unhappy.

The place where you are not being true to yourself and dishonoring that little voice inside of you telling you that you know damn well you ain’t doing what you are supposed to be doing.

Yes, I am being harsh, but I care about you and I’m fed up so we need to talk. The video I put out yesterday was much nicer but since you found me here in my sacred space, I am keeping this real.

I have been noticing a pattern with my clients and my FB group… Lots of people come to me when they have a question about making a decision and freak out, and decisions are scary right? And they can throw you out of your comfort zone, but at the end of the day, RARELY is making the decision as scary or risky as you build it up to be?

Consider this…

Could you just secretly finding comfort in staying stuck because at least you know the outcome of that, even if it is being stuck in the same shitty place that you know you don’t want to be in?

I know it’s scary to try new things and that fear makes it seem like every dang thing is life or death due to that irrational fear or I know how easy it is for you to hype something up in your head and that you can sometimes make that seem like it is the only decision that you'll ever make in your life around that subject.

I want to share one of the most important things that I learned early in life that has kept me moving forward thru the good and the bad. Thru small choices and big ones.

You don’t need any special skills, or anything special or out of the ordinary that you would never be able to do.

The one thing that really helped me move forward in life is to try new things. I never really had clarity about a lot of things that I have ever done in my life but what I did know is that there was opportunity in gaining different and new experiences.

And so even though there were things in my life that I didn't know if I would like or not…I never knew if they would turn out well or if I would fail or maybe… here’s an option… i would be successful. The one thing that I did understand, very early on was that if I tried something and it didn't work, yes, I might have to eat it. Yes, I might have to be a little bit embarrassed. Any of those things might occur, I might not get the outcome or the goal that I wanted. But because I understand the value of getting all I can get out of a life experience (while also giving all I can), I knew I would still gain something valuable, some skill that was going to help me.

I have had many experiences that I shared it that latest video and at the end of the day, did I know that I was going to be successful? No, when I went from totally different career paths, almost every turn that I made that I didn't know what I was doing? No. Was I out of my comfort zone? Yes. Was I scared? Yes. Did I know if I would like it? No.

But Here is the secret… nothing was permanent. Even if I spent 2-3-4 years in a situation that led to something that may have been not the result that I desired. What I understood and what I need you to understand is that the average human being lives between 70 and 80 years. So, you have a whole lifespan that you can you try new things and keep evolving, learning, growing, and in every step of the way.

What I can say is that even if I didn't know how my decisions were going to turn out or even if I didn't know if it was the right decision for me, when I was able to see that there was opportunity…there was a skill that I would learn no matter what the outcome was… to learn to trust that sometimes the bigger manifestations of what you want come in the most unusual circumstances…Usually the pieces all fit together, they piggyback off of each other even if they don’t seem like they do.

It’s like a choose your own adventure book but if you are stuck on the same page and refuse to make a decision based off fear, or doubt, or anxiety… guess what, you never get to turn that page and realize the potential that may lie behind the simple action of making a choice.

Sometimes you can’t predict how the doors open for you in the next phase of your life or how everything will play out but it will all fit together based on your intentions. . By not deciding, you never know and never experience the true heights that you could reach in life. Being scared or hemming and hawing about making a decision or being afraid to try new things or not doing the things you know you need to do.

How is that living?

So don't put so much weight on a decision that you are making in the moment thinking that you can't ever change your mind. We are allowed as human beings to evolve to change and to grow. That's normal. Don't back yourself in a corner. If you ain’t dead, you can always change your mind. That is something no one can take away from you. Fight for that right as much as you get fired up about other stuff.

if you feel like you're at a point where you do need to make a decision and you feel like you're having some difficulty… even though it's not permanent and it could change at any time …know this.

You shouldn't feel bad if something changes or doesn't turn out the way you want and just do SOMETHING ALREADY!

If you are ready to move forward in life but you feel like you need a little help. Let’s talk. It’s what I do. I am passionate about helping you release the past, move past blocks and obstacles, and start learning how you can combine your intuition and your intellect to continuously evolve and realize your highest potential. I have private coaching slots open and I would love for us to speak and see if we are a good match to work together. So if you are ready to take the leap, I am ready to meet you where you are and help you move forward. I take new clients by application only. Click here or hit the button below to apply.