Yashica's Intuition

Top Tips for Goal Setting

yashica crumpton

Where focus goes, energy flows.

You’ve heard that saying right? Today I want to teach you about some strategies that will help you focus your attention on what you desire and achieve the things you actually want to achieve.

To achieve goals efficiently and effectively, it is important that you establish goals for yourself.

Goal Setting is the reflection upon and intentions created around a particular purpose.

In my practice as a Personal Mastery Coach, goal setting is important because I work with my clients to learn how to create the things that they desire and I also work with them on implementing specific strategies to achieve these goals and develop systems to help them monitor their performance and progress. I also help them adjust when needed not only to achieve their initial goals, but to also level up and keep getting better and better in life.

Goals help with this because they help drive the internal motivation that is needed to achieve success and if you set your goals correctly, they help you prioritize where you should be focusing your actions and intentions.

If you find that you struggle with achieving your goals, here are some strategies that I use with my clients that I want to share with you.

  1. Make your goals specific. “Trying” or “Doing” your best are not goals. When you make them specific, they give you a clear blueprint of action that you need to take in order to meet your goals and it also helps you identify if you are making progress or not so that you can tweak accordingly,

  2. Think of your long term goals as your vision and break it down into smaller short term goals that align with your long term goal. It’s easier to stay motivated when you create shorter milestones. When you start to achieve your shorter goals, you then start to build faith in yourself and confidence in your ability to succeed. Smaller goals are also easier to check, adjust, and stay in course.

  3. Pick goals with a midrange of difficulty. This doesn’t mean that you don’t dream big… I did a separate video on this and dreaming connects you to a vision and a purpose, but research shows that focusing on goals with a difficulty level that’s moderate leads to the most success.

  4. You must set your own goals. Not what your family wants, not what your partner wants, not what you think you want, not what sounds good or what society wants. These are your desires. This is your life! Goals should be your own. While I initially help my clients with these goal setting techniques and strategies and help them develop a sense of direction, they have to set their own goals to increase their chances for success.

  5. If you are a pro at setting goals and ACHIEVING them, then you get to go ham on goal setting but if you are new to setting goals or if you have a habit of creating goals but never achieving them, I only recommend that you start with 3 goals. My framework only contains 3 areas of goal setting so that my clients get laser focused and achieve success.

  6. I teach my clients that goals should contain a mix of goals, Mastery or Learning goals and Performance goals. As you grow and evolve, the learning goals will build more confidence and grace so it is important to make sure you include them. You shouldn’t have all performance driven goals and vice versa. You do need to create action and movement in your life, hence, the performance goals.

  7. Lastly, integrate strategies to help you cope with difficulties that may arise. My clients have my help and support to personally see them through the ups and downs that we inevitably experience in life. If you don’t have a coach, you will have to make sure you can do this on your own.

If you haven’t heard, I’m accepting new coaching clients for my 12 week coaching experience where I help you integrate these skills and strategies along with others to help you get unstuck and on the right path to moving forward with clarity and a connection to a life of purpose and vision. I’ll teach you how to create a life by design and learn what it finally feels like to live a life in flow and with abundance.