Yashica's Intuition

How to connect to your higher self

yashica crumpton
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Connecting with your higher self can be tricky because it is not something that you are not often taught to do. What usually happens is you live your life according to what society tells you or what your upbringing and life experiences expose you to. From that space, there is usually one of two things that happen… because the journey of life is about connecting to who you are on a deep spiritual level, something happens that turns your world upside down. It is usually to show you that you may have missed the mark. Instead of living for who you have been shown or programmed that you should be, who are you really? The real you that when everything is stripped away… still remains. The you that is important. The you that matters. The you that is your mind, body, and soul without all the outside distractions. 

One other thing that can happen is you find that you may have done everything and nothing may be wrong, but because you have focused so much on your outer world and your outer experiences, you wake up one day feeling disillusioned, disconnected, and empty inside. That makes you feel even more strange because nothing is wrong, but nothing feels right. You have focused so much on your more mundane experiences…. The things that you experience day-to-day… that you don’t know who you are. Who you really are…. And that is depressing AF. 

The good thing is that it doesn’t always have to be this way. I was not always the spiritual person that I am today. I had to grow into the woman that I am now. At one time I felt disconneted and I only lived for the things that I could achieve outside and when it all of a sudden all got stripped away, it forced me to connect to my higher self. I had to figure out who I was, my mind, body, and soul. My ethics. My values. My beliefs. I had to start all over and learn who I really was when everything was stripped back or stripped away. It was one of the most powerful things I have ever done and what helped me do it was developing a spiritual mindset, learning spiritual tools (such as tarot), and integrating those tools into a spiritual routine that I still lean on today to keep me centered and grounded in my truth and my values, especially when life is a little crazy on the day to day.

To teach you everything that got me to where I am today would take a whole book, but because I feel like the answer lies in restoring the connection to your higher self, I have a free course that you can access immediately to help you with this. I believe that when you live up to your full potential and make Consciousness a choice, you make the world a better place. Click here to enroll in the class. https://yashica-crumpton.mykajabi.com/pl/173332