In this video I discuss top tips to live from the heart. This video starts off a little morbid… if you knew you were going to die, how would you shift your life to live the life that you truly intended to live? If you are living that life, congratulations, but if you aren’t this question could be a wakeup call. A lot of times my clients lose themselves and get wrapped up in living a life for other people and other things. Maybe you feel like that too. Like you live your life based on what you were conditioned to think that you wanted rather than what you really want. I know that I did (
Or maybe you put limits on yourself or feel like you just want to go with the flow, drifting through life without any intention and without tapping into your full creative potential and power… never choosing to step out of your comfort zone or make waves in life. Are you living aimlessly and/or thoughtlessly? Are you on the right track? Moving in the direction you desire for it to go? If not, this video will share some tips and tricks to get you headed in the right direction.
The answer lies in living from the heart and letting your mind be a tool. Here are some things you can check with to see if you are living from the heart.
Are you connected with a vision and a purpose (and do your thoughts and behaviors match)?
When you do, although things may feel uncertain, you have a passion and desire behind your dreams which allows you to tap into faith in yourself that you aren’t spending your life being busy and “productive” but that you are actually doing things that are value-added toward your vision and purpose. If you are not living for a vision for your life that is the first step, create one and then make sure your actions and behaviors and thoughts align with it. If you do have a vision, are you living it? If not, course correct to begin living in alignment with it. Living from the heart starts here.
Are you living in a false moment? The past? The future? Not letting go or releasing?
Making peace with what is and now what was is another thing that you can do to move forward and start living from the heart. Learning that your past is what it is and making a conscious choice on how you let your past define your now and your future shapes who you will become. This isn’t about ignoring our hurts and moments of suffering but allowing our life to change us for the better and if you can let your past transform you for the better and move forward, open to the future--you begin to tap into what it’s like to live from the heart.
If you would like to learn what it’s like to work with me and to go through my proven 12 week private coaching system l to help you move forward from your past and release things that stop you from stepping into your power to live the life you want to live….
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