Yashica's Intuition

Episode 17- New Moon in Leo Astrology Report- Powerful transformational energy you don't want to miss

yashica crumpton
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In this podcast i will be teaching you about how you can change your life with this New Moon in Leo that occurs August 18, 2020.

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Grand fire trine (with the north node in Sag)- Creative energy, Passionate energy, Energy connected to moving forward in your purpose, your own truth, your spirituality, and developing your own philosophy by assimilating the truths that you have learned and living them to gain wisdom from which you grow, mature, evolve, and learn how to master your true self. THIS IS POWERFUL and TRANSFORMATIVE!!!

Moon trine Mars- Whereas in previous weeks, I felt like Mars wasn’t playing well with our emotions making us prone to emotional outbursts and popping off about the wrong thing, I feel like this is a good time to act on strong feelings (still maturely and responsibly though). I think with the powerfully positive energy here, it is easier to be heard and get our needs met vs the previous energies that I noted over the past few months. It is a time to be assertive and get your needs met and go for something you feel very passionately about. It is going to be something deeply and personally important to you but it is a better time to put yourself out there than times in the most recent past.

Mars trine the Sun- Your creativity is on high! I teach that creation is combining your inner intentions with the divine power of the universe to get what you want. This is a good time for that. It's like we have a tap to energy and vitality that we didn’t have previously. We also have a closer connection to our inner self and our heart as well… the energy of the conscious and the subconscious coming together to create favorable, harmonious support for us to take charge in relation to something that is important to us.

Mars trine Mercury- Your mind is working well. Whereas previously there were blurred lines that impeded our clarity and confusion, I feel like we are thinking more clearly and I believe it is because this fire energy is helping illuminate more of our heart. When we lead with the mind, we give our power away to something that should be a tool, a second in command to help us move our heart desires forward. The mind can’t guide without being connected to the heart. With this energy, we are tapped into our heart and our desires and because of that we are able to take more informed risks, think more quickly, have confidence in ourselves, and articulate all of what's going on in a way that makes what we are doing and saying more receptive to others.

Saturn square Mars- if you feel like you have your own agenda or feel like you are one that lets you mind run a mile a minute instead of dropping into your heart space and living from there, you may feel like you are experiencing blocks and frustration. As you can see, this energy is big on flow. Flow of the conscious and subconscious. Flow of the heart and the mind. If you don’t feel this flow, it can feel like your desires don’t match what you are experiencing. Or maybe you feel confused even though you have this information available to you and so you feel like you don’t know what to do or like too much is going on and it makes you scared or overwhelmed. Like you thought things were moving forward and they stop or you feel like you can’t make headway like you want to or you don’t feel safe being your true self just yet or are not living as your true authentic self and are living for everything and everyone else…. This just induces more stress. If this is so, be patient with yourself. Sometimes the best thing to do is just step back and channel your frustration into something else like a physical activity, feminine manifestation rituals, or creative endeavors…. Even sex or playing with children will help shift this energy… The other more important thing that you will have to do is connect to your inner self, your authentic unique self where you are brave and bold and confident in who you are and able to lead from the heart with intent and purpose. This is all boiling down to how you take action… how you take charge of your desires and your inner power and connect to the divine to go after what you want. This is a true test of what you are spending your time and energy on and whether you are ambitious about the things you say are important to you vs the things you feel are important to you.

Uranus sextile Venus- Opportunity. It could be in money or love but you are the catalyst. This also helps you find unexpected answers and breakthroughs in that creative energy that I spoke about. This irritability (in a good way) can make you more likely to take a chance on something and have it work out for you…. Responsibly of course.

Neptune sextile Jupiter- Harmony. Positive spiritual energy. Luck through generosity or expenditure of energy. Positivity= faith in the future, not denying what is and if you can maintain a sense of optimism, things will open up for you. The more that you are working on bettering yourself and working on your spirituality, the increased chances for breakthroughs to lead you to the answers that you need to move forward. The answers come from your intuition and your inner purpose and spirituality more than anything logical although our logic is very favored at this time. Expressing yourself through writing or speaking your truth may lead to something favorable for you.

North node sextile moon- breakthroughs in awareness, healing, spirituality, old emotional baggage and more. If you are trying to get pregnant, use this energy. Opportunity to learn and grow from the past and take responsibility for taking charge on creating the life that you want

North node sextile sun- Things can click and you can feel like you get a big support of energy or are in the right place at the right time. This to me means that you have been working on something you feel deeply about, maybe your soul's purpose, and because of that, a window of opportunity is available to you that others may not notice. 

North node sextile Mercury- You have access to parts of your mind that you maybe didn’t feel like you had before. This can lead to more vision, progress, and innovation. This is about being brave enough to think freely for yourself and trust yourself and your heart and mind together and move forward with purpose from that area.

North node sextile Mars- Have clarity and a sense of direction about what you need to do to move forward and you have the desire, the drive, and the ambition to actually take action. You are focused and willing to take the lead on the things that you desire. If you are part of a group or tend to shy away from the spotlight now is your time to shine. This is the time to be self motivated and act on the things that you desire.

Mars square Pluto- This points to power struggles between yourself and your conditioning. Perhaps your limiting beliefs or struggles on the things that you think limit you from an external standpoint when most of the time, what limits you are the choices you make. Oftentimes, you can tend to take your frustrations with yourself out on others instead of confronting the true source of what’s holding you back and with all the retrogrades that we are experiencing, it’s time to find answers inward. As much as this energy matches what we see and may be experiencing in our outerworld, I don’t believe in coincidences and there is tons of energy available to you to turn inward.

Astrology is a powerful tool that can provide you with a blueprint that gives you an owners manual for your life. By learning astrology and applying it to your own personal snapshot of where the stars are in your life (which is called your natal chart), the life of people that you love, or events that are happening, such as this new moon, you are able to have information so that you don’t have to second guess about who you are, why you are the way you are, your life's purpose, your most ideal career, your most dear relationships, and more… it’s all right there… the information you need to save time, decrease stress, and live a life on the right track. 

The doors to my intro to astrology class are still open and I invite you to come learn more about astrology in a fun and easy to understand way so you can learn the foundations of astrology and start to uncover the powerful benefits that I spoke of. 

Doors opened Aug 10th but we are still on week one so you haven't missed anything, in fact our very first live is right after this class. Please hop in and join us. You won’t be disappointed.

The link to join the class is https://yashica-crumpton.mykajabi.com/introtoastrology