Yashica's Intuition

Episode 24- How this Mercury Retrograde Will Affect You

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We just started the first Mercury Retrograde off 2021. What does that mean exactly and how will the retrograde affect you? Listen to this Clubhouse replay that I turned into a podcast for those of you that don't have Clubhouse yet. If you have clubhouse, please follow me. I'm @yashicalind over there

Audio Block
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Also, if you are a lover of details, check out the blog post that I wrote the other day full of details


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This is a live replay of an awesome class that I did in September where I walk you through steps on how to tap into your intuition, how to hear it, how to distinguish it from fear and anxiety, and how to trust it.

***Bonus*** it also comes with a copy of my Amazon Ebook, "The Beginner's Guide to Intuition."-

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