Yashica's Intuition

Episode 27- New Moon in Pisces February 2021

yashica crumpton
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There was a new moon in Pisces on March 13, 2021 and I want to make sure that I come on and spill all the deets even though it occurred already. This will discuss how this new moon in pisces will impact you in my latest astrology horoscope.

If you know how I teach my clients when it comes to using moon energy, then it's actually just getting started, so don’t think it’s too late

Listen to the podcast here if you don’t want to do the reading:

I’m gonna do something different and start with the challenges because sometimes the reason why you aren’t experiencing the things you want or able to harness the positive energies available to you is because sometimes, when it comes to astrology, you have to make sure that you aren’t stuck in a challenge that’s making you less powerful. Let’s unpack this shall we.

So first thing first is that I have to keep honing in on the fact that you need to be patient and flexible. There is a longer standing transition that has been occurring between Saturn and Uranus that can cause some tension. You are being called to change and grow… if you are listening to this and you are a part of the inner circle of living consciously, then you know that this has required you to step outside of your feelings and your comfort zone in order to make changes and choices to take you to a next level life. And I bet you feel it even if at the same time it can be a little disruptive. This, again, requires the step by step approach towards manifesting as I discussed earlier. Something needs to change so don’t fight it, but how it changes… expect the unexpected but believe that it’s for your highest and best good.

Venus is asking you to make changes that are going to make you better in this next time and the next lifetime. This means not being shortsighted on the here and now but looking at a vision for yourself but not getting parayzed in the vision… thinking about the new skills you need to learn and the new people that you need to link up with that match your vision of your future, idealistically, not the future you settle for because you are too lazy or too limited to make yours.

I see this time feeling like a chapter is closing or needs to be closed and some healing and evolution needs to take place but ask yourself this… are you being hardheaded? If so, all that is happening is you widening the gap between the true levels of success that you were meant to experience because you out here choosing to self sabotage.

OK, now that the read is over, here are some opportunities.

This new moon is close to the Sun, Neptune, and Venus. Let yourself get lost in it all a little bit. It’s a bit romantic, a bit idyllic, a bit beneficial for love, beauty, self care, romance, creativity, spirituality, soul work… all of the things that are going to make you a better quality person so that you can experience a better quality life from the inside out… these are all favored.

It can feel like wanting to be pretty, wanting things to look pretty, wanting to escape reality. I don’t think there is anything wrong with that because that’s where dreams come from and through the beauty and the ability to dream, as humans, we are then able to create little heavens on earth for ourselves and that is what I feel like this energy is offering us.

Keeping it real is ok, but keeping it real can go wrong… member that skit with Dave Chappelle? Sometimes you gotta escape and merge with the all to draw inspiration to drudge along when real life gets you down.

I won’t deny that if you are not in the ideal circumstance and you focus on that, this energy can feel more emotional and more down on yourself or think you are the only one that is dealing with what life's handing you and go to a low place, but you aren’t that special. Get over yourself and start actually using the power that you really have inside of you, the power to make things happen.

Also, don’t fall for pipe dreams at this time. While this is a time to get lost in a moment, it’s not the time to do it foolishly, even though that could occur at a time like this. Wearing your heart on your sleeve or spending or finding other ways to drown your emotions is not good!

And lastly, the luck… cause we all need a bit of flow in our lives

You have everything that you need to make beautiful things happen for you. You have the power and the tools available to make shit happen. If things seem hard, know that you can handle anything life is throwing you and know that challenges that have felt like they are going to break you will seem easier now and you will find the grit that you need to keep going. It’s there! 

Everything is pushing you to see past “reality” to see past the laws of man and to know that its time to grow and expand and you have this flow and luck and support that wants to help you move forward. The only thing that will stop you is you.

If you want to learn more how you can manifest with not only this new moon but also the full moon, then I have a whole class on manifesting with the moon that you can take absolutely free. This class will tell you exactly what you need to know so that you can stop guessing and missing out on prime opportunities for flow and manifestation so you can create the life you want to live with more ease. To get access to the class text the word mastery to 833-231-4407