inspiration — Yashica's Intuition- The Podcast — Yashica's Intuition

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Yashica's Intuition


When you feel stuck, try these solutions- Mindset Mondays

yashica crumpton

Today's video is all about "When you feel stuck, try these solutions."

When you feel stuck it can be hard to find solutions, but when you feel stuck, I want you to try these solutions to see if they help you. I will share with you 2 things that could be the solution to you feeling stuck as well as an ultimate solution if you feel overwhelmed and need help.

When you feel stuck, try these solutions- Mindset Mondays
Yashica Lind


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✔️Gain clarity on your goals so that you don't keep feeling like you're wasting your time and energy and not seeing the progress you desire

✔️ Achieve your goals so that you finally get what you want out of life

✔️ Live up to your potential with a sense of purpose so that you feel like you are excelling at the things that are important to you

✔️ Performing at a high level so you get the most out of life because you can perform better and more sustainability without negatively impacting your mental or physical wellbeing.


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New Videos Every Monday (with some bonus videos and shorts sprinkled in)

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Keywords: when you feel stuck try these solutions, law of attraction, success, inspiration, psychology, the secret, motivation, if you feel stuck in life, motivational video, how to get out of a rut, feeling stuck in life, stuck in life

#healthcareleader #leadersinhealthcare #feelingstuck #feelingstuckinlife #stopfeelingstuck #feelingstucksucks #feelingstuckinarut #lifecoaching #growthmindset #personaldevelopment #wellnessadvocate #getunstuck #perspectiveshift #personaljourney #lifechallenges #mindsetcoachforwomen #emotionalrollercoaster #emotionalresilience

What to do if you feel stuck or unmotivated

yashica crumpton

Today's broadcast is all about what to do if you feel stuck or unmotivated.

I have 4 things that I want to share with you that I hope will help you move forward and away from that dreaded and draining stuck or unmotivated feeling.

What to do when you feel stuck or unmotivated
Yashica Lind

Lastly, if you like what you heard and want to get help and support with learning and implementing what I'm teaching you in these episodes to become a better person, a better leader, and finally cross over to living the life you want to experience, then take a look at my New Year New You group coaching program. We start in Jan 2023 and we'll be deep diving on change and you'll get all the support and accountability you need to start the year off with a bang.

Learn more at or go to if you are watching from LinkedIn... for some reason they change the links sometimes.

Keywords: what to do when you feel unmotivated or stuck, what to do when u feel unmotivated, what to do if you feel unmotivated, motivation, law of attraction, inspiration, unmotivated, how to get out of a rut, self love, self care, depression, spirituality, advice, inspire

3 Simple tips to change for good

yashica crumpton

Today's broadcast is giving you 3 simple tips to change for good.

I'm giving you some simple tips to change for good but they go deeper than the last episodes so make sure you pull out a pen and paper and take notes.

Once you implement these 3 simple tips consistently, you will notice your life change is ways you couldn't have imagined.

I've seen it time and time again in myself and my clients.

3 Simple tips to change for good
Yashica Lind

Lastly, if you like what you heard and want to get help and support with learning and implementing what I'm teaching you in these episodes to become a better person, a better leader, and finally cross over to living the life you want to experience, then take a look at my New Year New You group coaching program. We start in Jan 2023 and we'll be deep diving on change and you'll get all the support and accountability you need to start the year off with a bang.

Learn more at

Keywords: 3 simple tips to change for good, how to change for good, 5 tips to change your life, inspiration, productivity, how to change your life, habits to change your life, change my life, life changing habits, change your life, self improvement videos

#changeyourlife #lifestylechange #changeyourmindsetchangeyourlife #yourlife #changeyourthoughtschangeyourlife #maincharacter #maincharacterenergy #mainoriginalcharacter #goalsetting2023 #reinventyourself #reinventyourselfeveryday

How to develop the mindset of a leader

yashica crumpton

In this week’s podcast, I will teach you how to develop the mindset of a leader . I have 7 points that I want to share with you about what it takes to be a leader and things you need to know to develop the mindset of a leader.

How to develop the mindset of a leader
Yashica Lind

This week's podcast is a video podcast so if you aren't already watching it on YouTube but you would like to, here's the link to watch

Otherwise, The Leading in Healthcare Podcast can be found on all major podcast platforms.

👉🏾 Listen to this podcast on how to be more authentic for more tips and tricks:

💥 If you want to learn more about how I can help you or your organization visit #leadershippodcast #healthcareworkers #leadershiptips




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