Yashica's Intuition

Shadow Work- Why it is important and How You Can Start to do it.

yashica crumpton

Whether we want to admit it or not, we all have a hidden side.

I remember when I lost it all and felt like I had hit rock bottom. It could have been easy for me to blame others and to not look at the part I played in what was then, one of the lowest moments of my life.

What I did know, though, is that if I didn’t want to get stuck in th pain and negativity, then I needed to confront myself to help me learn about why I ended up where I was and learn what I could do about it.

I never want to experience life like that again.

On the surface, I felt like I had been a good person and done everything right but as I dug deeper, I realised that I was harboring deeper traits that didn’t serve me along with buried pain and that they were stopping me from connecting with true happiness and the life that I truly desired. 

I had to go deeper into my subconscious to uncover deeper patterns and beliefs. I had to be honest about the internal struggles that I hid from everyone else… including myself,

If I didn’t do this, I wouldn’t have been able to connect to a more purpose filled, abundant life.The life I live now.

This powerful work is called Shadow Work.

Shadow Work is the work you do on yourself to examine and heal the deep subconscious layers that may be darker aspects of who you are but don’t serve you positively.

Clues that you may need shadow work can manifest in several ways. For instance, in your relationship it can show up as being overly independent or codependent. Other clues that shadow work is needed is feelings of sadness or insecurity or having a victimhood mentality. You may also have a problem with anger.

And… worst of all… it can cause you to settle for less than you deserve in life because it can contribute to feelings of being stagnant, unmotivated, or just overall broken.

Just like I was able to overcome this, you can too.

I help clients confront their dark feelings (shadow) by a variety of systems within my proven private coaching framework such as

Teaching them to recognize the internal crap that must be dealt with in order to create big, positive shifts in life

This is very introspective and powerful so I walk them through this every step of the way because it is emotional but it leads you to get closer to the clean slate that you need to create a more fulfilling life.

It works because you are able to recognize patterns and behaviors that don't serve you and move forward in life more connected to your desired self with more self awareness.

It can be hard to see a way forward when you feel discouraged or stuck so but if you want to start doing this for yourself, I recommend you start with a combination of journaling and meditation,

I promise you there is a way out!

If you want help and support to guide you through your journey into shadow work then check out my 12 week hybrid Private coaching program. 

I have opened up 5 slots and you are able to start immediately. 

This time around, I am offering an extended payment plan to make it more affordable for you. 

My private coaching is by application only.

To apply and get started right away, follow this link