Yashica's Intuition

How to prepare for a coach- Signs you are not ready for a coach

yashica crumpton

In one of my earlier videos, I spoke about some ways that you would know if coaching is right for you and today I want to share with you some ways that you will know that you are not ready to work with a coach.

Here we go:

  • You are still blaming other people or other circumstances for any issues in life or your current circumstances. If you make excuses for not being in alignment with the life that you desire then you may want to start with some activities that help with self awareness.

  • You are willing to try new things but not willing to change your beliefs. True change and transformation starts with confronting your assumptions and destroying any limiting beliefs that are blocking your progress.

  • You only want to be told what to do. I am a teacher, guide, and mentor and while sometimes I do put on a consulting hat, I also want you to jump in and do the work so you can learn the systems and strategies upon which you can support yourself.

  • You have psych issues that require medical/mental support. Coaches are not counselors or therapists.

  • You aren’t in a position to invest time, money, and energy.

  • You are uncomfortable with non-religious spiritual methodology.

So again, if you find that you fit any of these categories, I recommend starting with some self awareness activities to open you up to in turn being more coachable. It doesn’t mean that you can’t work with a coach, but it does mean that you will limit the potential of any progress you could make if you are not willing to leave these issues in the dust.

If you feel like you are a good fit, I have some time in my schedule to talk to you about my 12 week coaching experience to see if it is right for you. To book your FREE session, follow this link below to learn more and apply (no obligation to buy).