Yashica's Intuition

Overcome your fear of failure and get help

yashica crumpton

Warning: if you aren’t interested in having someone in your corner to support and guide you then this is not the video for you.

I would like to speak to you about some of the top mindset blocks that leave people stuck and floundering in negative situations and wasting time and not making any progress in life.

Are any of these you?

  • “I don’t need a coach”

The fact is, everyone needs a coach, athletes do, successful people do. I did a previous video on the benefits of coaching but to make a long story short. If you want to live a better life and you know someone that can help get you there easier, faster, and more effectively, why wouldn’t you have one? Someone that can be objective and see the big picture and push you outside of your limits to achieve better than you would alone, why wouldn’t you?

  • “I don’t have time”

It can seem like coaching will take a lot of time but in reality working with a coach is a hack. They are trained and qualified and if you have a good one with a proven system, they can ultimately help you experience results and transformation faster. So… while it seems like it may be a time investment, you end up wasting more time when you try to do things on your own and with a more narrow perspective (2 heads are better than one sometimes).

  • “It’s Expensive”

It is if you are only looking at it through a narrow lens, but let's really look at the bigger picture here. While there is an initial upfront investment that may seem scary, I’ve had clients that have aligned with their dreams careers, demanded raises they deserved, start successful businesses, and more. 

The work that we did together allowed them to become an energetic match to the life they desired and that initial investment that they made has ended up paying off. Sometimes you have to invest in your future.

When you do what I show you, you will make shifts. What is that worth to you? 

Plus you are learning tools and systems that can support you a lifetime because they have been researched and tried and true and proven to work.

Lastly, before I get off of my soapbox, many coaches have payment plans. For instance, I have a trial offer on an extended payment plan this go around, so that makes coaching more accessible to you than ever.

  • “Now Isn’t the right time”

You and I both know that when we procrastinate, we end up stuck in the same place… barely accomplishing the things we promised ourselves we would achieve. 

The determining factor on if the time is right or not lies within you making the decision. 

When you think over the past months or years, when was the time right and really how close are you RIGHT NOW to your goals?

You have the power to choose when the time is right or not.

And if you don’t start, I can bet you in a week or a few months, the time won’t be right then either. In fact when we ignore the things we know we are supposed to do, oftentimes, things get worse. The good thing about hiring a coach is all you have to do is start and the momentum will grow from there.

  • “I’ve tried everything, how do I know this will work or that we will be a good fit”

If you are 100% sure that you have tried everything and everything you have tried, you gave 100%, then maybe you are right. But in my experience, that is rarely the case.

Because we will have time to talk to each other before you even pay, we get to know eachother better and decide if we think we are a good fit. So with that being said…

With my systems and my support, I know you will make shifts in your life if you are willing to show up and do the work with my unlimited support and guidance.

If you know with absolute certainty that this time would be different and that I could help you win with minimal risk, wouldn’t you take me up on that?

Instead of focusing on if it won’t work. Ask yourself what if you were wrong? How would your life be different if you tried and succeeded?

Again the power lies in you to decide if now is the right time and if you finally want to choose yourself, your happiness, and your abundance... I have some time in my schedule to talk to you about my 12 week coaching experience to see if it is right for you. To book your FREE session, follow this link below to learn more and apply (no obligation to buy).