Yashica's Intuition

Mercury Retrograde June 2020 Astrology Report

yashica crumpton

I am so pumped about this Mercury Retrograde because the misinformation that has been floating around as the collective moves from one hot thing to the next has been irking me.

I’m not going to waste any time, let’s get into what the cosmos are telling us

There is an opportunity for better energy… for answers… for compassion… for manifesting. For enjoying romance, creativity, spirituality, and realizing the fruits of your labor. You can step back and see how you may be getting caught up in feelings and emotions without coming to the center of who you are. Your core. Your truth. Don’t lose sight of your purpose and your vision for if you act from this space and grasp this energy, you can quickly see things happen in the material form. If you have been stalling and not doing the work to stop putting yourself off and walk your talk, now is the time. A portal is opening and there may be many lies that you tell yourself that you shouldn’t tolerate anymore. You, perhaps, downplay the things that you want out of life, asking for half of what you deserve because you lack self worth and confidence in yourself that you can have more out of life. Well you keep getting opportunities…. This is not the first time you have been given to choose yourself, but… the question is now, ARE YOU GOING TO FINALLY SAY YES TO YOURSELF.

There are still tensions due to immaturity and a desire to get to the truth. This resentment, tension, anger, is swinging like a pendulum. While there is certainly a lot going on to cause a buildup of feelings and emotions and power struggles, fighting AGAINST something is certainly not the answer. The ego/Sun in Gemini is a prime example of how you aren’t seeing things fully or clearly so it’s up to you to tap into the truth and dig deeper and develop a philosophy from truth and real consciousness and stop falling for the mass consciousness. You aren’t getting the full story and you will fall for anything if you aren’t connected to a truth within. 

That is your job now.

That is where the light comes from. Consciousness is holistic and when you work within your own unique truth and vision, you are able to activate yourself behind what you stand for… Not what you stand against. That’s the difference. 

What do you stand for?

Coming from a space of love is where you are able to make changes. Believing in differences and using divisiveness is not the answer but connecting to yourself and building a relationship within and then from there, approaching life with the intention of creating authentic, intimate, relationships that are grounded in authenticity. Show up in your unique way from that space. For instance, in the current climate, it is much different and more effective to develop a cause that supports multicultural endeavors rather than one that fights racism. This is where flow is. This is the path of least resistance. This is where harmony lies. The funny thing is…

Humanity is so used to struggling for rewards that we have to challenge ourselves sometimes to go with the path of least resistance.

Before all this though, you have to know who you are and what you stand for or you will end up standing for and working for the causes, intentions, and goals of others. Stop defaulting your consciousness to the intentions of others. For months, I have urged you to be a free thinker lest you fall victim… Did you answer the call?

Recommit to your life. Go back over your relationship with yourself, the people in your life, your finances, etc. This is the time for a practical approach and finding solutions. Bringing structure and discipline into your personal mastery practice is the answer. You may also look into understanding business dealings as part of your world and part of the collective. Analyze and tap into your intellect with balance. Consciousness should be expanding to break free and realize certain hopes, dreams, and freedoms but it is in the realm of intellect and by shifting a point of view and about embracing your unique identity that is not on one side or the other of any issue. It’s about becoming more like minded in our vision even though our contribution and our causes are unique to us.

Strength and courage to tackle the difficult things happening in your life are being given to you and now is a good time to pour into difficult things because in this lies an opportunity for success. This is an excellent time to examine how you have been conditioned from various aspects of the human experience and how you repress and suppress yourself to fit in. It distorts your authenticity and highlights a need for you to mature both intellectually and emotionally if you desire to live life on purpose.

Saturn and Jupiter are still continuing to comb over anything missed in order to grasp opportunity and advance further. This could feel like a barrier unless you have been living with discipline and purpose and if that is the case, this will feel like progress. If you are feeling restricted and like you aren’t content with the way things are, what barriers and boundaries do you need to bust thru to live the life you truly desire?

Intuition is still strong. Sensitivity and emotions are still strong. There is opportunity for connection on a deeper level. Watch acting off of emotions and feelings because they may not be accurate. Choose the path to enlightenment and discover who you are and your place in the world in order to advance in your purpose and your cause.

All things deep are possible. Someone could influence you positively and intense connections are possible. There is intense pressure trying to motivate you to evolve and grow. Pluto can feel ruthless, but it’s creating a more rich environment for growth and if you get your butt in gear, you will appreciate what comes from your efforts. This good thing about this (or the bad thing depending on how you look at this) is these aren’t rapid changes, these are incremental changes to allow you to check, adjust, and calibrate along the way. Increase your action from this space. This is where the magic, the power, the freedom, the inspiration, and the connection to your hopes and dreams stem from.

We are being called to look at ourselves regarding our identity and shows us where we need to learn and grow to expand and resolve issues and I feel it’s economic as well as how we think and how we communicate. You are being called to act and that’s why things are feeling like triggers and action is needed but the question is… now that you know all of this…

Are you taking the right action?

As mentioned in the video, if you are finding that struggle with tapping into the best version of yourself and connecting to the things that you desire out of life, I have a program that can help you with the barriers and blocks that stop you from living the life you crave. If you want to learn more about how I can help you with private coaching, you can learn more about it by clicking the link below.