Yashica's Intuition

What to do if affirmations aren't working for you- Try these solutions instead

yashica crumpton

In this video, I am going to tell you what to do if affirmations don't work for you and some things you could try instead and teach you about how you may need to use confirmations vs affirmations.

Today is the day, in fact this MOMENT this is the very moment when you get to decide...

ONE- You can decide to stay as you are. Doing nothing differently, still looking at everyone else that is evolving and still wondering if you will ever finally overcome your blocks and live the life you desire. How does that feel?  I think we both know. And it’s not happy and you're limiting yourself.

TWO- You can gather your wits, suck it all up and decide to go it alone. Or maybe you have been already going it alone, stuck and wasting time. YOU ARE AN ISLAND. You don’t need anyone else. Well actually yes you probably could do this after wasting months and years of your life... you're smart and capable after all and I’m as sure that it will be better than option one...but. Better is not what you’re looking for. Amiright?

THREE- OR, or. You could fling those options on the scrap pile and instead get the everything you have ever needed in my 12 week coaching that will transform who you are so that you can call in your dreams without living the same year over and over (you know you have) so that you can finally happiness in your relationships, abundance, and living a life with purpose in as little as 3 months even if you feel like happiness is impossible for you. It's not.

2 of those options aren't going to cut it if you are committed to living your best life ASAP. So the choice is yours...and you’re the one who gets to either reap the benefits or live with the consequences. YOU DECIDE!