Yashica's Intuition

Understanding how powerful your thoughts are

yashica crumpton
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When you study the many greats that have achieved great things in this world… Oprah & Einstein, for instance… if you were to ask them about the one thing that has made them as successful as they were/are, they have both been quoted as stating that the power of their thoughts, ideas, and beliefs were one of the #1 contributing factors to their success.

“You don’t become what you want, you become what you believe.”

― Oprah Winfrey

Before something can ever become a reality, there has to be some sort of thought or idea that sparks a creation or a manifestation. Thinking about something is the catalyst for creating. This makes thoughts very powerful. Thoughts are the driving force for making your dreams a reality. You have to  have the thought or the idea upon which to act.

“Imagination is the highest form of research.”

― Albert Einstein

When you hear information from me telling you to watch what you think and to try to think abundantly and intentionally, I’m telling you this information because due to the power of your thoughts, to not be intentional in your thoughts, ideas, and beliefs means not to be harnessing the power to create a life for yourself towards purpose. 

To not life on purpose (consciously) means that you are allowing your thoughts to dictate haphazardly what occurs in your life. If you have specific things you want in life and find yourself falling short, this could be a reason why. 

Thought→ Feel→ Behave→ Ingrained Attitude/Manifestation

I’m not a proponent of trying to pretend that everything is OK if you find that your relationship, environment, and experiences don’t match what you want for yourself, but I do believe that what you must do is set aside some time reflecting on the things that don’t look the way you want them to and see if there is anything about your thoughts that are impacting how you feel and behave in life and think of one way that you can shift your thoughts because often it’s the small shifts that can make a powerful difference. 

Oftentimes, one of the biggest things that happens right before my clients experience breakthroughs in their life is a perspective shift that comes when they learn how to think differently and approach life differently. My framework that I use with my private clients is big on helping them learn how to tap into the power of their thoughts and elevate themselves and their way of life. 

I have private coaching slots available right now and we can jump in and get started right away if you feel like you would like to experience the powerful changes that can happen in your life once you get help on developing a powerful mindset and more. 

You can learn more here!