Yashica's Intuition

Full Moon in Aquarius August 2020- Create a new life for yourself

yashica crumpton

This Full Moon in Aquarius (Live Replay) carries with it energies that are similar to what I have been discussing in the past few readings so I will spare you the recap and have you watch past videos on the New Moon in Cancer #1, New Moon in Cancer #2.

Many clients and friends have said that it has been helpful to go back and rewatch some of those prior videos. The thing is, in the midst of the energy, you may not be able to pinpoint what is applicable to you, but hindsight is 20/20 so watching after the fact can help you not only pick up on information that you missed, but also be able to gain more wisdom and understanding.

Because we humans are stubborn, it may also give you the proof that you need to see that astrology is a very powerful tool that can give you insight and thereby provide you with the evidence that you need to make astrology a regular part of your life.

A Full Moon can bring up a tug of war between the things that you want vs the things that you need. Both your conscious and subconscious are exposed for you to fully see as much as you are going to see so it can feel like your thoughts and feelings are out of balance and it will be up to you to see how you can reconcile the two. Moving forward can be particularly difficult because you may feel like you want to move forward in some way but feel like something is holding you back or not on board with the plan. 

With the particular energies of this Full Moon, it can feel like neither is budging. You have this energy that is calling you to free yourself from the conditioning that holds you back from expressing your true self. 

Or maybe you want to be authentic and true to yourself but it makes you feel alone in life. 

Or maybe you get to see how your friends and the people that you surround yourself with don’t serve you and you may have to reconnect back to who you are in this world and see if you are living passionately and from the heart and examine if you are showing up to create the world that you want to be a part of. There is a message here of learning to toe the line between finding out where you belong but not losing yourself in the process and also about learning how to be comfortable in your own skin while giving zero F’s about what people think about you. Tapping into this energy is how you express the fact that there is no one else like you in this world and the more that you shine your light, the better the world will become.

Uranus is not helping the mix because it is adding a certain level of impulsiveness and unpredictability to the mix. It brings an inner sense of rebellion that will not play nice with things going on in society, particularly with the restrictions that, globally, we continue to face. Unfortunately, those things are beyond your control so let’s talk about what you could do to ease this energy…

What could you do to channel this energy? I, for one, feel like there is probably some area in your own life that could use a refresh. Something that needs some innovation. Something that you were meant to create. With so many retrograde planets, I am not talking about you refreshing your spaces or making the people in your life your pet project. I am talking about things that are more self centered. What do you keep saying that you are going to do or change but fail to do so? It will be tricky because Uranus could stir things up and make them unpredictable, but this is a special time to liberate yourself from whatever is holding you back and step into the new you.

This is exciting but it could also feel scary and frustrating because there is a loss occurring. A loss of self, a loss of freedom, a loss of a bit of you that you connected to your identity. What is happening is no accident and the more that you kick and scream about what’s going on, the more that you miss the point… things cannot stay the same. Holding on, bitching, or refusing to do the work you are supposed to do will only make the inevitable that much harder. This is a chance that you are receiving to figure out how to play a more proactive role in your life and how you choose to handle it will be up to you. While we can’t turn a blind eye to society, how can you fight for yourself? What do you stand for in your own life first and your own values first? What we all need is for you to be the best version of yourself.

If you have been trying really hard to be expansive and check off some of your goals, it can also be frustrating that you feel like your hard work is not producing the results that you want to create. Adopting a negative mindset certainly seems the way you may want to lean, but what is this going to solve? What are some practices that you can put into place to uplift you and help you adopt a more positive mindset and outlook? What is something you can go over and tweak to make it better (about yourself or something you are trying to create) and channel this difficult energy into something more constructive?

On top of wanting to adopt a more negative mindset, you could tend to over exaggerate this energy making it seem even worse than it really is. For some of you, this unhappy feeling, especially if you feel unhappy with yourself and your circumstances, is not for you to wallow in that energy, it’s forcing you to take a close look at your life and examine what you want to change. You are not a tree, every day is an opportunity to become a better version of yourself. You may be shown the truth about certain things in your life and they may not be what you would prefer but what can you do about it? 

Move forward in truth. What you can stop doing is the silly things that you may do in order to feel better about yourself… not staying true to yourself and compromising yourself in order to feel better in the temporary. Not delaying instant gratification and succumbing to temptation to act from your instinct and your lower mind and therefore missing out on opportunities in life for greater reward. You know what’s right for you when you check in with your heart first.

The power struggle is still real… whether it be internal or external.

The pressure is real… but this is the thing. The pressure is there because you were meant for more and while things can seem challenging, you are being called to lean into your path and your purpose and channel that determination because you can make rapid progress if you do.

What do you want to do? What do you want to build that is long lasting? What are your long term goals? And how are you doing it in a way that is connected to your spiritual purpose and your spiritual path… the bigger vision that you have for yourself? It may feel serious because it is. Things are not supposed to be the way they were, you are not supposed to be who you were. It’s time to step up!

Your intuition is there for you. Divine energy is there for you. Guidance is there for you. You don’t have to do all the work. You can co-create in harmony with God. You are meant to do something better for yourself and that work is blessed at this time. If you trust and have faith, even if right now you are discouraged and don’t see evidence that something good is coming out of this energy… if used correctly… it’s there. The opportunity is there as a collective…. But it’s also there for you. At large and in your own life, things are meant to disintegrate and make way for a better future.

All in all, this is your chance at a new you in some way, a fresh start in some way, and through some constructive conflict and struggle (constructive being the key word), if you stay open you can attract new opportunities and new people to help you along your journey.

As this is the beginning of the month, I wanted to make you aware of a few opportunities that you can capitalize on to tap into the spiritual energy that you can use to help you understand more about how you can gain more understanding of your true self, your life path, and your purpose.

If you like this report, you can learn how to read astrology for yourself in this 4 week class that I am holding to teach you all the fundamentals of astrology in less than a month. This will teach you how to understand yourself and the energies that I speak of and learn how you can apply them to your own life. This is the second in a series of 3 astrology classes and it is the most intensive. You can register for this beginner friendly astrology class here and it even has a payment plan. Learn more here 


If you have felt like you have tried to change your life and know deep inside you want to change but always feel stuck on what to do and how to move forward, then you may benefit from working with me via private coaching. I have a proven system that can help you increase your self image, self confidence, and improve areas of your life such as your relationships and your career. Coaching is by application only and I have immediate openings to get started right away. You can learn more about working with me privately for 12 weeks by visiting
