Yashica's Intuition

Episode 15-Limiting beliefs- how they negatively impact you and how to let them go

yashica crumpton
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You can watch the replay of this FB live video or listen to it as a podcast below.

This lesson is going to teach you about limiting beliefs, how they impact you, and how you let them go. This is a replay of a FB live inside of my group that I wanted to share here.

Limiting beliefs is a state of mind or a conviction or a belief that you believe to be true that limits you in some way and are usually the result of your experiences in life. People have two states of mind. One is expansive and one is contracting. Listen to the lesson to learn more.

Success is 80% mindset and 20% work but the 20% of the work that you do should be aligned, focused, and intentional. Go hard and understand that there is a higher power available to you that will meet you more than halfway. Here is the problem, it doesn't matter what you do if you don't change your mindset. You won't actualize your true potential.

Your potential = your beliefs.... that is your ceiling

Brain cells speak to each other via the path of least resistance. And it is important to understand this because the more that you are consistent, the easier it will be for you to form new roadways and new paths that support your new mindset. Until then, the cells will talk via the old pathways that you have built because they are already paved via your beliefs and your habits. Another thing you need to make sure if you don't want to fail is to make sure that your heart and mind are aligned when it comes to what you want. This helps you see if you are truly going after goals that light you up.

When you are trying to become successful at something, working on your mindset and your limiting beliefs are going to give you the most bang for your buck.

Astrology is a powerful tool that can help you. I talk about this briefly in the video. I will be teaching a series of Astrology classes starting with an Astrology for Personal Discovery that you can sign up for here... class is on July 30, 2020