Yashica's Intuition

Episode 14-Using Toxic Positivity as an Excuse for Your Failure

yashica crumpton
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The following podcast and video podcast is about toxic positivity and how it could be. harmful to you. It is important for you to listen to if you feel that you are not getting the results that you want in life.

You can watch the video here.

There is a term going around called toxic positivity that is claiming that the problem lies in the self help community and not in you.

This content is a rebuttal to an article I read by Lee McKay Doe.”What Toxic Spirituality Sounds Like,” and in it she states some of her issues with teachers such as I. 

My rebuttal addresses the misinformation contained in this article including these views:

  • If you aren’t getting what you want out of life it could be because you aren’t trying hard enough or you could be  just trying the wrong thing in the wrong way

I know it could be extremely frustrating when you feel like you are trying all tht you know and it can make you feel bad to hear someone say you are 100% responsible for your own circumstances but you are and it is because of one thing… in almost every action in life… YOU ARE IN CONTROL OVER HOW YOU RESPOND/REACT in your life.

It doesn’t discount that oppression and other F’ed up systems exist but self help and spiritual leaders teach you to focus on yourself because 1) it’s all you can control and 2) you make change from the inside out

PS- if you want more specifics in how you can start getting what you want, here is a free class  👉🏾https://yashica-crumpton.mykajabi.com/pl/181910

  • In this article, she states that ego is the enemy that needs to be eliminated and that I am wrong to teach that… again… missing the point

Yes, there is ego and you may never completely eliminate it, but no, you shouldn’t put value on the ego driven things that ego centric humans tend to value to the detriment of other things (listen for more info). The words “eliminate the ego” are used in context to the common issues most of us face.

  • If I was to tell you that anger may be a sign to do more work, I am the problem. Yes, it is normal to be angry but anger is most often expressed with intentions of retaliation and payback, neither of which is wholly constructive. And if expressed after repression, anger is also unhealthy because it is usually followed by rage and outbursts. Healthy anger is experienced by observing it and responding to it thru exploration, compassion, grace, forgiveness, and assertive interactions. Now I am not saying that we are all perfect and  haven’t felt the need to blow s--t up, but I would certainly say it isn’t the highest expression of who we are or our anger.

  • Rising above your emotions is spiritual maturity even though the author of this toxic article seems to think otherwise, find out why in the video or podcast.